Funhouse (Williams, 1990) MOD

Williams SS Recreation BAM FP Funhouse (Williams, 1990) MOD v1.14

No permission to download
by DRAKKO, francisco666, GeorgeH, Vanlion
at 2019-08-29
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Williams Electronic Games, Incorporated, a subsidiary of WMS Ind., Incorporated (1985-1999)
Tradename Williams
Date 1990-11
IPD No. 966

Custom Physics

NOTE: This table uses Dynamic Flippers, Lighting and Shadow Maps that require use of BAM v1.4-254 which was released on May 25, 2019 (or a later version will work as well). It is very easy to upgrade. You can download the most current version at the following link. This installation file installs Future Pinball and BAM at the same time. If you have either Future Pinball or BAM already installed, you can still run it and it will bring everything up to date.

=== Version 1.14 ===

I started getting interested in lighting while working on Version 1.13 of Funhouse. I suppose the reason is that this was my first table to use shadow maps. Shadow maps don't look very good if you don't have good lighting. I managed to create some nice lighting but got a little frustrated because I couldn't adjust what I needed to make everything look right. BAM lighting was initially set up so it could only be adjusted by the end user. As a result, I had to make do with providing instructions on how to set it up. It wasn't until BAM v1.4-254 was released that I was able to add options for "Day", "Night" and "Dark Night" lighting. On Version 1.13, I only set the table up to use "Dark Night" lighting. I suppose I could have written a lengthy procedure on how to set up each lighting mode but I doubt most end users would want to follow it. ...And so here is Version 1.14 of Funhouse with options for "Day", "Night" and "Dark Night" lighting that you can access while playing a game with a simple press of the Special 1 key!

When you press the Special 1 key, you also operate 12 flashers in 4 locations. I noticed that Slamt1lt was using nanoflashers for General Illumination (GI) on his tables so I started using them also. BAM's lighting modes are great but they don't change the light level of flashers. I set up flashers to be used with each light mode. When you press the Special 1 key, it not only changes BAM's lighting modes but it also turns on the flashers for the selected mode and turns off the flashers for the other modes.

I set up what I call "Day", "Night" and "Dark Night" lighting modes but they are a little different from BAM's default settings. "Day" mode is a bit darker than the default. The flashers add quite a bit of light so I had to reduce the brightness of the BAM lighting. "Night" mode is nearly the same as the default. The "Dark Night" mode uses Slamt1lt's preferred settings which are slightly lighter than the BAM default. This is the third table that I have added this feature to and the option's look the same so you might think I just copy and paste the option from one table to the next. I do copy the script but the flashers are completely different on each table and I tend to make slight adjustments to the light settings also.

The end user can make changes to the "Day", "Night" and "Dark Night" lighting settings but when the table is closed and reopened, the light settings will revert back to the settings I created. For this reason, I created a fourth mode that I call "End User Setting". On this mode, I turned off all but two flashers and have saved no settings for lighting though it initially uses the "Dark Night" setting. I suppose you could play a table with it like it this but it is quite dark. The intention is to provide something for you tweakers out there that want to save your own settings. When you have the option set to "End User Setting", you can add your own settings and the table will save your settings and display them the next time you load the table. Unfortunately, if you accidentally press the Special 1 key after making these changes, your settings will be permanently lost. This is the reason I provided directions on how to add your settings to the script. It is not difficult to do even if you have never made changes to any script and should only take about 5 minutes. After saving your settings to the script, you can then cycle through all the settings when you press the Special 1 key and display your settings when you see the option on the display for "End User Setting". I am betting however that most folks will like one of the three lighting modes I created. Personally, I tend to use the "Night" mode during the day and "Dark Night" at night. The ambient light in the room does have a significant effect on how a table looks.

I noticed on Version 1.3, the flashers I added would occasionally make the game start up with only 30 frames per second (FPS). On this version, I added a 1 second delay after the game starts to turn on the flashers which always makes it start with 60 FPS on my PC.

I made a few other minor changes also on Funhouse. The Williams neon light in the game room has never looked quite right to me so I made some changes to a couple of textures. It looks a lot better now although the only people that might notice it are the those that play this table with a VR headset.

Another change I made is to fix the texture for the Heads Up Display (HUD) overlay. I forgot to set the background on the texture to be transparent so the black background was visible on Version 1.13. The final change I made was to change the color of some yellow lights on the "Mystery Mirror" that I forgot to change on Version 1.13.

I am pleased to see so many downloads of this table. It didn't seem to get many downloads when I first posted it so I left it and worked on other things. I was surprised it was being downloaded so much when I looked at the numbers a couple of weeks ago. It is what prompted me to work on this update. Every time I play this table, I am awestruck at how good Francisco made the textures and models look. I guess my biggest enhancement was with the audio although the lighting helps make it look better too.


=== Version 1.13 ===

This table had been saved to my C drive for years and I only played it a few times. I don't recall why I stopped playing it but it was probably because of the poor audio quality. I played it recently and noticed it had a lot going for it. The graphics are high resolution and very crisp. The textures for the playfield and plastics are 2048x4096 and the backglass is 2048 square. The model of Rudy is exceptional and looks identical to the one on the Williams table. When I played it, I thought I could remix the sound to improve the sound quality. ...And so here it is -- a version with about half of the sounds remixed. I was unable to improve the other sounds that were on the original table so I left them as is. I do think the sound is better but you can be the judge.

I also added what I call a "Sound Level Control Panel". You might notice that I have added this to other tables. I categorize all the sounds on the table into background music, mechanical sounds of the table, special sound effects and voice quotes. This table has a new innovation. This table has about a dozen sounds that combine sound effects and voice quotes. I have encountered this situation before and it has left me stumped as to what category to save them. On this table I created separated files for voice and sound effects and had them play at the same time during the game. I was able to apply the volume controls separately to each sound and to my surprise didn't have to make any further adjustments. If you want to mix the audio differently, you can easily make adjustments to the Sound Level Control Panel yourself. Directions are at the beginning of the script. I have it adjusted to my ear anyway and I don't think you will need to change it but it is available if you do.

This is the first table where I have added shadow maps. It is possible to set BAM up now so lights cast shadows when the light hits an object. Lights are always placed under the slingshots and other surfaces on the table. The light now cast shadows when it hits posts and other objects under these surfaces. On this table, the most obvious area where you can see a shadow is in the blue area of the playfield just above the right slingshot. You might think that these shadows are just painted onto the playfield texture but they are not. I have saved the shadow maps to the texture manager so you won't have to wait for them to be saved to your C drive. Some of the guys that have lower end PCs had trouble loading another table that used shadow maps. Hopefully, saving the maps to the texture manager will fix this. If you are having trouble loading the table, I suggest that you first try deleting the mock game cabinets on both sides of the pinball table and the Williams sign above it. If you still have trouble, I provide some directions near the beginning of the script on how to delete the shadow maps.

The shadow maps become more obvious when you change the BAM lighting to "Dark Night" although you can see them on the "Day" mode. The shadows will not appear when you first play the table because all of the GI lights that cast shadows are turned off. The GI lights turn on when you press the start key and the shadows will then appear. Slamt1lt posted this video on how he sets up lighting with BAM:

We used to have to paint shadows onto the playfield texture. He recorded this before shadow maps came out and he talks about painting shadows. I use his settings but he neglected to mention that you can change the brightness of the ball using BAM also. To do this, open the BAM menu. Arrow down to "Addons>" and press enter. Arrow down to "Lock ball brightness". Press the left or right arrow key to set it to "<On". The arrow down to "Ball brightness" and adjust the level as desired. I set it to 1.2 but you may want to try something different. If you decide to use the "Day" BAM lighting, I suggest you reduce the "Diffuse" setting to about 0.7.

We used to provide "night" versions of tables back in the old days and the original version of this table has a night version. I think the combination of BAM's "Dark Night" lighting and shadow maps are superior to the old night versions. BAM lighting not only changes the lighting on the playfield but also changes the lighting in the whole game room. "Night" versions of old tables just changed the appearance of the playfield itself. I also changed the general illumination (GI) to improve the "Dark Night" lighting. I did this using nanoflashers (which is basically a type of light). The nanoflashers produce a black triangle on the playfield that you usually end up having to hide. Francisco was nice enough to create a new version of the nanoflasher for me where the black triangle is invisible. This allowed me to place the nanoflashers wherever I wanted. I set one of these so that Rudy's head appears to be illuminated by a spot light on the night versions. Changing the GI is a bit tricky but I think I got it right.

I read through the postings on the original table, and the most popular request was to add a ball saver. Francisco was nice enough to add it on this version. I did a bit of research and found some references (like the IPDB) that said the table had a ball saver and others that said it did not. I am not sure but Williams may have released both versions. If you prefer to have no ball saver, you can change "constBallSaverTime" in the script to 0. It is currently set at 8 seconds. You can also increase this setting if you want the table to be easier to play.

I have added custom physics and dynamic flippers. You may want to change the amount of bounce the ball makes when it hits a stationary flipper. I provide 12 predetermined settings that adjust the bounce in the comments of the script and directions are there on how to change it. Just look for "BOUNCE CONTROL" in the script.

I made quite a few changes to make it so all you need is the *.fpt table file. I added all the libraries, XML file for the physics and the shadow maps to the table file. I think it will make it easier for you to set the table up. The download does include some wheel art in case you use a front end like PinballX.

The rest of the things I changed on this table are more minor in nature. The texture on the backglass appeared to be a bit washed out. I made some changes to its color.

I had trouble reading the instruction card on the left side of the apron because the text didn't have enough contrast with the background so I added a new card.

I had a problem with the ball flying off the ramp so I added an invisible lid over the top of part of the ramp. The ball would sometimes fly out of the lane that has the trap door. There is an invisible surface above the table but it did not cover this lane so I extended it to cover it. I also had a problem with the ball getting stuck inside Rudy's head so I added invisible walls inside the head. The ball would sometimes make its way into Rudy's head when it entered Rudy's hideout so I changed the walls around it. The ball would also get stuck on the gate that is on the outlet of the launch lane after it finished hitting the bumpers so I moved the gate up very slightly and added a short wall. These problems may have been caused by my new physics. My physics always seem to make the ball be a bit livelier so I usually have to fix this sort of stuff on most tables. ...But it is better this way. It is sort of like riding a spirited horse vs. riding an old horse that just plods along the same path it has followed its whole life.

The yellow and white lights on the original table had a greenish tint to them. I didn't like the green and watched several videos of the real table and saw no greenish tint. I believe the lights are now closer to the Williams table.

When I played the original table, I couldn't see the movement of the right plunger so I changed the opening so you can see it with the "Full Table 2" view. This should help you get the skill shot.

The HUD Toggle Key did not work on this table so I added it. To operate it, press the HUD Toggle Key to toggle the heads up display (HUD) off and on. The setting is then saved to the fpRam file in your Future Pinball folder. When you close the table and open it the next time, the HUD will be set to the way you last changed it.

I also added a code to the script that extends the maximum number of points that can be awarded during a game from 40 billion to 922 trillion. I have yet to score one billion points during a game. The code will prevent you from having an unpleasant surprise that ends your game if you exceed 40 billion points.

I added a version of the table for use on a single monitor with a portrait orientation. This version will be of interest to you if the monitor on your PC can be rotated 90 degrees. I have added a screenshot of it that you can view on the "Images" tab of this posting. This version will not be useful on pinball cabinets or PCs which have a normal landscape orientation. The download includes directions on how to set up this version of the table. On this table, the only changes I made were to switch the table loading texture to portrait and made a minor change to the script to have the HUD not display by default. I also deleted the 2 mock video game cabinets and William's sign in the game room. I figured that there is no need to use memory loading something that you cannot see. For this reason, I think most pinball cabinet users will want to use this version but ignore the other files that are in the download.

I added four loading textures and kept the existing one. Three of the textures that are saved to the table are oriented in landscape format and the other two are oriented in portrait. All of the textures have been saved to both versions of the table. If you would like to switch to different texture, open the Future Pinball editor for the table and click on the "Tables" pull down menu. Then select the "Table Info" option. Under the option for "Loading Picture", you can select the following:

BackloadLandscape1 – The original texture in landscape orientation

BackloadLandscape2 – A new texture in landscape orientation

BackloadLandscape3 – The texture used on the side of the cabinet formatted to work as a loading screen.

BackloadPortrait1 – A new texture in portrait orientation

BackloadPortrait2 – The texture used on the HUD formatted to work as a loading screen.

I hope you enjoy this modification to the table. If you were like me and didn't play the first version of the table very much, you should give it a second chance. I don't think you will regret it. It is definitely easier to hit the lane between the ramp and the mirror with the dynamic flippers. It was nice being able to consult with Francisco on this version of the table. Welcome back Francisco!


This table is a mod of :
Funhouse 1.12
I have discussed each of these features in the description but are summarized here to provide brief instructions on how to set up Funhouse 1.14:

This table requires use of BAM version 1.4-233 (or later) that was released on July 15, 2018.

Press the Special 1 key to change the lighting to "Day", "Night" or "Dark Night". An option is provided where you can add your own settings which is named, "End User Setting". See the Description for more details and the directions below for how to add your settings.

These are the directions on how to add your light settings in the script for the option "End User Setting":

See more information about this on the "Description" tab.

1) Play the table and press the "Special 1" key repeatedly until the option "End User Settings" appears.

2) Open the BAM menu and open the menu option "Lights".

3) Make the changes you desire to the lighting.

4) While on the "Lights" menu, hold down the "Ctrl" key and type the letter "C". This will copy the settings to the clipboard.

5) Press the "Esc" key to end the game.

6) Open the script in the FP editor.

7) Using the "Edit" pull down menu and "Find", search the script for the text:

Your Settings

8) Place your cursor on the blank line below this text in the script:

' Enter Your Settings Here

9) Hold down the Ctrl key and type the letter "V". This will paste the settings into the script.

11) Delete the following line in the content that you pasted:

Sub SetLightsParamsInBAM()

12) Also delete the following line in the content that you pasted:

End Sub

13) Exit the script and save changes.

14) Now when you play the table and press the "Special 2" key to display the option, "End User Settings", the settings you saved to the script will be displayed.
Funhouse - Mark Phaedrus

Date: 16 Apr 1991

I made enough misteaks the first time around that I've prepared one revision of the original FunHouse Rules posting. This will be the last revision, unless Williams decides to put out a new ROM revision or something.

A clarification of purpose: this posting is not intended to tell you every single rule about the game. Score values of targets aren't covered unless they're fairly big-ticket items (50K or more). In addition, it is not designed to tell you everything there is to discover about FunHouse, that would take a lot of the Fun out of it. There are quite a few subtle features in there waiting to be discovered, and I'm not going to do all your work for you (even if I'd discovered them all myself, which I haven't). In particular, I've removed my earlier mention of the Sausage Bonus, since the information I gave earlier was partially wrong and you'll figure it out well enough when the time comes anyway.

My thanks to Williams for producing a fantastic game and providing me with the manual. I hope I'm not giving away any company jewels; if I am, I'm sure they'll be sending someone around for me shortly. :)

My further thanks to the very nice gentleman at Williams (who shall remain nameless and addressless; he has enough work to do answering *my* email, thank you very much), who offered some corrections to the prior posting, among other things. Where this posting is wrong, it is now DEFINITIVELY wrong.

If you're not interested in FunHouse rules, skip this message now and run get your head examined.


Take control of the FunHouse and put Rudy to sleep by advancing the clock to midnight. Once Rudy is asleep, shoot the ball into his mouth to start Multi-ball and a chance at tens of millions of points.


One to four players can play; the Start button will light when there are credits in the machine that haven't been played yet. Don't leave half-credits in the machine when you start a game; they will disappear at the end of the first ball. New players can enter the game by inserting coins and pressing Start until the end of the first ball; after that, pressing Start aborts the current game for all players and begins a new one.


Shoot the ball from the plunger so it stops in the loop at the top of the machine and rolls back into "Rudy's Hideout" (a kicker just behind Rudy's head). 250K the first time during a game, then 500K, then 750K, then 1M every time after that.


A ball that goes straight from plunger to drain without touching a scoring target is not counter against you. FunHouse is a bit more liberal than other machines in this regard; for instance, it often returns very weak plunger shots that go down the jet bumper lane and into the right outlane, even though they touch two scoring targets.


The clock starts at 8:00. (If it does not, your machine is not on standard settings; see DIFFICULTY OPTIONS.) It holds its value from ball to ball, resetting to 5:00 after the MIdnight Multi-ball sequence completes. Shots that advance the clock are: starting a ball (30 minutes); Hidden Hallway (10 minutes); Wind Tunnel (15 minutes); center ramp (15 minutes, then 20, then 25, then 30); jet bumpers (0 minutes when off, 5 when lit, 10 when flashing); blue S-T-E-P targets (5 minutes); Superdog targets (5 minutes); manhole below jet bumpers (30 minutes); Trapdoor (10 minutes); Trapdoor loop (10 minutes).

The lane that runs between the jet bumpers and the right in/outlanes will light an unlit jet bumper, or flash a lit one.

The clock will not advance past 11:25 during Quick Multiball or during Frenzy.

When the clock reaches 11:30, the Hidden Hallway lock flashes. The only way to advance the clock further is to lock a ball there; this moves the clock to 11:45 and serves another ball. Locking another ball advances the clock to Midnight, sends Rudy to sleep and opens his mouth to start Midnight Multiball.

Advancing the clock to 11:30 for a second time during a game lights the Special lights on the outlanes. The lights toggle between on and off each time the ball strikes a slingshot, and the special must be collected before the end of the ball or it is lost.


Hitting Rudy's jaw from the side flipper adds to your end-of-ball bonus (this bonus is 50000*the number of Rudy hits; you start the game with 1 hit, and hits carry over from ball to ball), and relights the Mirror award light.

Rudy talks frequently, commenting on the game action. Shooting the ball into his open mouth during this time is a Rudy Gulp, worth 250K.

When the Million light is lit (lit by the Mystery Mirror or Quick Multiball), hitting Rudy's jaw or mouth scores 1M.

When the clock is at midnight and Rudy's mouth falls open, locking a ball in Rudy's open mouth scores 1M (2M if Million was lit by the Mystery Mirror as well), and starts Midnight Multiball.


At the start of the game, shooting the ball around the Trapdoor loop opens the Trapdoor for about 8 seconds; hitting the open Trapdoor scores 500K. Once the 500K is collected, two consecutive Trapdoor loops are needed to open the Trapdoor, which is then worth 750K; once that is collected, three consecutive loops open the Trapdoor for 1M.

The Trapdoor can also start Frenzy (see FRENZY), and it awards Million+ during Midnight Multiball.

The Trapdoor is disabled during Quick Multiball.

Whenever the Trapdoor is open, its bonus will also be collected if a ball rolls over the Trapdoor loop sensor behind the Trapdoor. This usually happens if a ball just clears the sensor and then rolls back over it on the way down.

Hitting the Trapdoor when it's not supposed to be open (for instance, when the game opens/shuts everything when it can't find a ball) awards 100K.


Hitting the ramp awards 75K and 15 minutes, then 100K/20 minutes, then 125K/25 minutes, and 150K/30 minutes from then on. This resets at the start of every ball and after Midnight Multiball.

When the blue "STEPS" light is lit at the entrance to the ramp, the center ramp leads to the Steps plunger instead of the left inlane.


Shooting the ball into this kicker behind Rudy's head scores 75K during normal play. (See PLUNGER SKILL SHOT.)


The inside right inlane starts the left Gangway flashing; the Trapdoor loop and the left inlane start the right Gangway flashing. Hitting an unlit Gangway starts it flashing as well. Hitting a flashing Gangway awards 150K, then 200K, then 250K, then 250K and lights the Extra Ball light on the Hidden Hallway. Gangway lights turn off after a few seconds. The Gangway value carries over from ball to ball, until the Extra Ball is lit; after that, the Gangway resets to 75K at the start of every ball.


Ordinarily, the Wind Tunnel hole just awards 15 minutes and 10000 points; however, when the white "MIRROR" light is lit, hitting the Wind Tunnel awards the flashing Mirror award.

The "MIRROR" light is on at the start of each ball; it is turned off whenever a Mirror award is collected, relit when Rudy's jaw is hit, and relit for about 4 seconds when the ball goes down the right center lane.

The six awards are:

"Extra Ball Is Lit"--Hidden Hallway extra-ball light comes on, and stays on until collected.

"Million Is Lit"--the next hit on Rudy's jaw during this ball is worth 1M.

"Jet Bumpers At Maximum"--all three bumpers flash for the rest of the ball (10 clock minutes for each bumper hit).

"Superdog"--20 seconds of Superdog bonus time.

"Steps Gate Open"--hitting the center ramp OR a drain down the left outlane will now lead to the Steps plunger.

"Quick Multiball"--see QUICK MULTIBALL

The Mirror is disabled during Quick Multiball and Midnight Multiball.

Once all six awards are collected, the Mirror light relights and all six award lights flash; hitting the Mirror at this point starts Super Frenzy (see FRENZY). (Note to Whirlwind players: this does NOT award all six bonuses again, unlike Whirlwind's Mega Door Score.) Once Super Frenzy is started, the Mirror is disabled for the rest of the ball, after which it resets.


The Steps plunger can be reached by the center ramp (after hitting the Mirror "Steps Open" or the manhole) or a left outlane drain (after hitting the Mirror "Steps Open").

There are three steps on the ramp, each with a flashing light. At the start of the game, only the "Light Frenzy" light is lit; hitting all four "S-T-E-P" targets lights one unlit step (first Light Frenzy, then 500K, then Light Extra Ball). Hitting a step with a flashing light by it collects that step's award and unlights that step. Hitting an unlit step awards 100K. Shooting the ball all the way to the top of the ramp awards 20 seconds of Superdog time.

"Light Frenzy" opens the Trapdoor and lights its "Frenzy" light (which stays on until collected); "Light Extra Ball" lights the Hidden Hallway extra-ball light (for the rest of the ball only).

When "Light Extra Ball" is collected, the "500K" light goes off as well.

"Light Extra Ball" can only be collected once per game.


Superdog is started by the Steps ramp or the Mirror. For 20 seconds, hitting any of the three Superdog targets is worth 200K, then 225K, then 250K, and so on. Collecting Superdog from the Steps or Mirror while Superdog is already in progress adds 20 seconds to the existing Superdog timer.

The Superdog timer stops while the ball is in the Wind Tunnel or the Steps ramp; the Hidden Hallway lock stops the timer as well, but 3 seconds may tick off before the timer finally stops.


Frenzy is started by hitting the Trapdoor when the Frenzy light is lit; Super Frenzy is started by hitting the Wind Tunnel after all six awards have already been collected. The Frenzy Bonus starts at 120K for normal Frenzy, 1.5M for Super Frenzy; during the Frenzy period, all playfield targets add 50K (or 100K for Super Frenzy) to the Frenzy Bonus. The Frenzy Timer starts at 20 seconds, and stops whenever the Superdog timer would stop. The Frenzy Bonus is added to your score at the end of the ball. (Don't tilt.)

The clock will not move past 11:25 during Frenzy.

Collecting a Frenzy while one is already in progress adds 20 seconds to the existing Frenzy timer. Collecting Super Frenzy while a Frenzy is running adds 20 seconds to the Frenzy timer and converts it to a Super Frenzy. Collecting Frenzy while Super Frenzy is running adds 20 seconds to the Frenzy timer and leaves it as a Super Frenzy.


Quick Multiball is started from the Mystery Mirror. A second ball is served, or launched from the Hidden Hallway; as soon as it strikes a playfield target, the first ball is launched from the tunnel. Until one of these balls is lost, all Rudy hits are worth 1M. The clock will not advance past 11:25 during this period.

Once the clock reaches 11:30, if there are already two balls in the Hidden Hallway, the game will try its best not to award Quick Multiball; it will only do so if it's the only award left uncollected. If Quick Multiball is hit during this time, and the clock is at 11:30 or 11:45, a normal Quick Multiball starts. If Quick Multiball is hit with the clock at midnight, Quick Multiball and Midnight Multiball are both started; all Midnight Multiball rules apply, and all Rudy hits are worth 1M until all balls but one are lost.


Midnight Multiball is started by advancing the clock to midnight and then hitting Rudy's mouth, or by Quick Multiball. The Trapdoor opens and the Million+ light turns on; the first Trapdoor hit scores 2M and closes the Trapdoor. The center ramp reopens the Trapdoor for 3M; each time the Trapdoor is hit its value increases by 1M (to a maximum of 10M) and the Trapdoor is closed again.

The Steps and Mirror are disabled.

Once all balls but one are lost, the Trapdoor closes. If at least one Trapdoor shot was made, the clock resets to 5:00 and normal play resumes. If no Trapdoor shots were made, the Hidden Hallway Lock relights, and you have 12 seconds (actually more like 24 seconds) to relock the one remaining ball. The playfield clock counts down the number of seconds remaining; nothing can stop this timer. If the ball is locked in time, another ball is served, and you have one more chance at a 2-ball Midnight Multiball. Otherwise, normal play resumes.


Hitting the center ramp, then the right Gangway, then the Trapdoor loop awards the 500K 3-Way Combo. The targets must be hit in that order, and quickly (so you don't have much time to spend lining up the Gangway shot). Center ramp/Steps plunger/Trapdoor loop/Trapdoor loop is also an acceptable 3-Way Combo.

After the 3-Way Combo is hit, hitting Rudy's jaw quickly enough awards the 1M 4-Way Combo.


When you shoot a ball into the Hidden Hallway lock just before Superdog/ Quick Multiball/Midnight Multiball expires, the bonus in question usually remains lit for a few extra seconds, just long enough to let you take one last shot at the bonus once the ball is kicked out of the lock. If this happens at the very end of Midnight Multiball, and Frenzy was lit before the multiball started, hitting the Trapdoor with this last shot awards the Million+ value and starts Frenzy as well.


Extra balls are always collected by hitting the Hidden Hallway when its Extra Ball light is lit. Collecting an extra ball turns off the Extra Ball light, unless it's "lit more than once" (lighting it more than one way without collecting it in between).

Here are the possible ways of lighting Extra Ball:

Mystery Mirror "Extra Ball Is Lit"--you have until the end of the game
Steps "Light Extra Ball"--must be collected on that ball
Gangway "Light Extra Ball"--you have until the end of the game


There are five standard difficulty settings for FunHouse. The settings of individual features can be adjusted individually, but most operators save time by using one of the standard settings.

Conveniently enough, the clock time at the start of the game indicates the setting in use. If it starts at 8:00, the game is on Medium settings (the factory standard) and this posting should be accurate. If the start time is different, make the following adjustments:

9:00: Your machine is Easy. The Gangway value starts at 200K. Light Extra Ball can be collected from the Steps twice, not once.

10:00: Your machine is Extra-Easy. Let me know where you live. All the Easy adjustments are in effect. You have until the end of the game to collect an Extra Ball lit from the Steps.

7:00: Your machine is Hard. The clock resets to 4:00 after Midnight Multiball, not 5:00. When "Extra Ball Is Lit" is collected from the Mirror, you must collect the extra ball before the end of the ball in play or it's lost. The "MIRROR" award light does not automatically relight at the start of each ball.

6:00: Your machine is Extra-Hard. Take this as a compliment to your playing abilities, or shoot the operator. :) The clock resets to 3:00 after Midnight Multiball. The Hidden Hallway timer after an unsuccessful Midnight Multiball counts down much faster. Mirror "Extra Ball Is Lit"s go away at the end of the ball. You must advance the clock to 11:30 three times, not two, to light the Special. The "MIRROR" light is on at the start of each ball, but Rudy's jaw does NOT relight the Mirror. No lights are lit on the Steps at the start of the game, and Frenzies must be collected before the end of the ball or they are lost.


If your machine is set for 5 balls per game, the following changes will have likely been made: The clock will start at 5:00. (Gack!) The Gangway value starts at 100K. Mirror extra balls must be collected before the end of the ball. The Special lights will not turn on until the clock reaches 11:30 for the third time. The "MIRROR" light does not automatically relight at the start of each ball. The Steps ramp starts with no lights lit.

Editor's Notes

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  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    tune playing now is on side B of "banquet" by Lucifer's Friend, there's another giant 11-minute song on side A
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  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    ahh, Taylor. This week caught her whole 31-song new album. About a handful of tunes were good, only a couple which i can use in topic shows
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    Banquet sounded and looks familiar to me from 74.
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  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    Allan Sherman sounds like another famous singer to me...
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    (AI prompt) singer Allan Sherman comparison
  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @JonPurpleHaze, Allan Sherman was an American comedy writer, television producer, and song parodist, best known for his novelty song parodies in the early 1960s. His work often parodied popular songs of the time with comical and cleverly written lyrics. Sherman's most famous song is probably "Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh," a humorous take on a child's letter from camp, set to the tune of Amilcare Ponchielli's "Dance of the Hours."

    Comparing Allan Sherman to other artists depends on the context:

    1. **Musical Style**: Sherman's style was unique for its time, focusing on parody and comedy within music. He might be compared to "Weird Al" Yankovic, who became famous in the 1980s and beyond for a similar style of musical parody. Both artists share a talent for clever wordplay and satire, though their musical eras and the styles of music they parody are different.

    2. **
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    one of the newer tv channels shows 60s/70s shows, recently saw Allan Sherman on Carol Burnett Show
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  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    He was playing her psychiatrist who turns out to be nuttier than her
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    maybe Rick Springfield or something during that time...
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    (AI prompt) What are the funniest songs about the movies?
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  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @Free Bally!, Humor in music is subjective, but there are several songs about movies or that reference movies that are known for their comedic elements. Here are a few that might be considered funny due to their lyrics, music videos, or overall themes:

    1. "The Saga Begins" by "Weird Al" Yankovic - A parody of Don McLean's "American Pie," this song humorously recounts the plot of "Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace."

    2. "Eat It" by "Weird Al" Yankovic - While not specifically about movies, this parody of Michael Jackson's "Beat It" has a music video that humorously references various films and has become iconic in its own right.

    3. "Science Fiction/Double Feature" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" - This song humorously references classic science fiction and horror movies and is the opening number of the cult classic film.

    4. "Carlotta Valdez" by Harvey Danger - This song
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  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    (AI prompt) What is the fourth funniest song about the movies?
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    (AI prompt) best adult movie songs
  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @Free Bally!, Humor is subjective, and there isn't an official ranking for the funniest songs about the movies. However, I can suggest a few humorous songs related to movies that you might find entertaining:

    1. "The Saga Begins" by "Weird Al" Yankovic – A parody of Don McLean's "American Pie," this song humorously summarizes the plot of "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace."

    2. "Eat It" by "Weird Al" Yankovic – Although not directly about movies, this parody of Michael Jackson's "Beat It" has been featured in various movie soundtracks and is known for its comedic take on the original song.

    3. "Celluloid Heroes" by The Kinks – While not a comedy song, it has a whimsical take on the idea of movie stars and Hollywood.

    4. "Carlotta Valdez" by Harvey Danger – This song humorously retells the plot of Alfred Hitchcock's "Vertigo
  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @JonPurpleHaze, When discussing "adult movie songs," I'm assuming you're referring to songs from movies with mature themes or soundtracks from films that are not suitable for children, rather than songs from adult films in the pornographic sense. Music from such films often includes powerful, evocative tracks that contribute significantly to the movie's atmosphere and storytelling. Here's a list of some memorable songs from movies with adult themes:

    1. "Unchained Melody" by The Righteous Brothers - Featured in "Ghost" (1990)
    2. "Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon" by Urge Overkill - Featured in "Pulp Fiction" (1994)
    3. "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel - Featured in "Say Anything..." (1989)
    4. "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston - Featured in "The Bodyguard" (1992)
    5. "Lose Yourself" by Eminem - Featured in "8 Mile" (2002)
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    (AI prompt) guardians of the Galaxy movies song list
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  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @JonPurpleHaze, The "Guardians of the Galaxy" movies are known for their retro soundtracks, which feature a mix of classic rock, pop, and soul songs from the 1970s and 1980s. Below are the song lists for the first two movies, as of my knowledge cutoff in early 2023:

    "Guardians of the Galaxy" (2014) - Awesome Mix Vol. 1:
    1. "Hooked on a Feeling" - Blue Swede
    2. "Go All the Way" - Raspberries
    3. "Spirit in the Sky" - Norman Greenbaum
    4. "Moonage Daydream" - David Bowie
    5. "Fooled Around and Fell in Love" - Elvin Bishop
    6. "I'm Not in Love" - 10cc
    7. "I Want You Back" - The Jackson 5
    8. "Come and Get Your Love" - Redbone
    9. "Cherry Bomb" -
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    Don't know if model 4.5turbo is better than 3.5 turbo, I think 3.5 thought it was 2022 so we gained 1 year, 4.5 thinks it's 2023...
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    aired complete, at least! Well, check in next week for (hopefully) the meatshow. Got some really strong unknown tunes
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  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    Nice sorry show again...8-)
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    good chattin', have a meaty week!
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