"66" (Globe Manufacturing Co., 1934) VPX

VPX Flipperless Recreation "66" (Globe Manufacturing Co., 1934) VPX v1.0a

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"66" (Globe Manufacturing Co., 1934) v1.0a
IPD No. 3925

A brand new table for VPX. Complete REDRAW and play testing / tweaking that took over four weeks. This is a CHALLENGING table. SPECIAL THANX to Carl Tanner for some amazing screenshots! This "slide in" board fit different machines. IPDB has very little information on this one and has not a single image so it makes this board quite RARE. PS: PLEASE read the table information before play. Thank you and enjoy!
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  1. 66 (Globe Manufacturing Co., 1934)

    Added LUT selection toggled with Buy-In Key (2 Key) Assigned material to items to remove default...
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