Ali (Stern, 1980) VP9

VP9 Stern SS Recreation Ali (Stern, 1980) VP9 v1.2 2020-01-28

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Ali (Stern, 1980) VP9 v1.2
by JPSalas
IPD No. 43

Dedicated to Jolo :)
Thanks to Leo for the backdrop and the manual

Version History:
1.2 10 November 2009
- fixed spinner (again) now with the right value and score.

1.1 Released 8 November 2009
- fixed spinner
- added the "tripple claw" :)

1.0 Released 7 November 2009
ALI rulesheet.

* Insert coins for credit ANYTIME game is on.
Press credit button to start game.
* Pop Bumpers score 100.
* Spotting A-L-I increases Center-Top Eject Pocket Value.
* Spotting A-L-I & G-R-E-A-T-E-S-T lites top turnaround for EXTRA BALL.
*Top Drop Targets down advance multiplier.
2nd time down lites 2X 3rd time down lites 3X
4th time down lites 4X 5th time down lites 5X
* Spotting ALI & GREATEST twice lites SPECIAL.
* Side Drop Targets advance side stars & score as indicated.
* Side Eject Pocket collects bonus and any lit multiplier.
* Making EXTRA BALL Turnaround when lit lites SHOOT AGAIN.
* Maximum 1 Extra Ball per ball in play.
* Outhole collects all bonus and any lit multiplier.
* SPECIAL Score 1 Replay.
* Tilt disqualifies ball in play only.
  • Ali (Stern, 1980) VP9 v1.2.PNG
    Ali (Stern, 1980) VP9 v1.2.PNG
    1.3 MB · Views: 112

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very good, although a bit low res
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