Ballyhoo (Bally, 1932)

Bally Flipperless Recreation FP Ballyhoo (Bally, 1932) v1.2 2020-01-28

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Bally 1932 - the table that started Bally, and which was named for a popular magazine of the 1930s. by Patrick & tiltjlp.

Ballyhoo / IPD No. 4817 / January, 1932 / 1 Player

Average Fun Rating:
Needs More Ratings! 7.7 / 10 (2 ratings) [ Add Your Rating! ]
Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) [Trade Name: Bally]
Date Of Manufacture:
January, 1932
Pure Mechanical (PM)
50,000 units (approximate)
Serial Number Database:
View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database ( (External site)
Table Top/Counter Game
Notable Features:
7 balls for 1 cent, or 10 balls for 5 cents. Trap holes (10).
Design by:
Raymond T. Moloney
Counter model. A metal stand was available for $2.50 extra. A wood stand was available for $6.50 extra. In March, 1932 the model was also advertised with full wooden legs (i.e. not just a stand).

Raymond T. Moloney founded and Incorporated Bally Manufacturing Company on January 10, 1932. Shown below is the Ballyhoo magazine which caused Ray Moloney to name the game and the name of the company.

We previously showed a production run quantity of approximately 75,000 units. According to the Encyclopedia of Pinball Vol 1 page 29, total production was approximately 50,000 units. The January 1953 issue of Bally-Who, a monthly newsletter from Bally, states 50,000 games were sold.
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