Cheech & Chong: Road-Trip'pin (Bally 2021) VPX

VPX SS Original Table Cheech & Chong: Road-Trip'pin (Bally 2021) VPX v1.0

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WARNING: This table contains mature content. Parental discretion is advised.

Far out, man! Dave IS here! ...finally!

That's right, Cheech & Chong are here! It's been a long time coming, but this insanely funny duo have
now made their nostalgic venture in to VPX! Kick back and enjoy the ride as you take a road-trip with
these two famous stoners, doing what they do best, and explore their world from those crazy 70's and
80's. You'll encounter characters, music and sounds based from their iconic comedy albums, as well as
their hilarious cult classic movies. Traveling from "Pedro's House" to the "Battle of the Bands", and
back, Cheech & Chong: Road-Trip'pin, will provide you with a "high" amount of fun and laughs that
only these two can deliver.

Dedicated to one of the best, if not, the best, laugh-out-loud comedy teams in history. Thank you
Richard "Cheech" Marin and Thomas Chong for the side-splitting laughter that you gave us back then
and even today. These two comedic geniuses have deserved their own real pinball machine for decades
and I am proud to at least pay tribute to them with a VPX version.

This table is also dedicated to the old-school pinball lovers, the diehard Cheech & Chong fans, and all
of those crazy uncles out there who introduced Cheech & Chong to the younger generation.
"To do a comedy team, it requires so much extracurricular stuff, so much compromise, so
much intuitiveness to know what the other guy is doing. That's why it's so hard to do it."
- Richard "Cheech" Marin

"The thing about Cheech & Chong is, we've brought more families together than Dr. Phil"
- Thomas Chong
Featuring the voice over talents of Ed Kelly as Cheech and Chong (Pedro and the Man).
Additional voices: Brian M. and Sheri B.
I'd like to say thank you to a few people:

JP Salas - Thank you for all of your animation scripting help. (Happy retirement my friend).
Benji, apophis and idigstuff - Thank you for your altsound advice and .csv help.
The Visual Pinball and VPinMame Development Teams - Thank you, because without you, none of
this would be possible.

To all of the pinheads out there, I hope you have as much fun playing it as I did creating it.
"Let's roll a pinball, man!"

Your friend in pinball,
Included in this file:
- Cheech & Chong: Road-Trip'pin VPX table
- "che_cho" altsound file
Install instructions:

Find Rom here:

You must have the NEW 3.4 beta of VPinMame installed in order for this table to work.
This table was built in VPX 10.6 and runs great in it. You can run it in VPX 10.7, but you'll need
the latest beta version due to sound issues in earlier versions.

Find VPinMAME 3.4 Beta here..

Install table. Install Directb2s 2 or 3 screen(for cab users) & rom, if you have them already.
(Note: None of these are included in this download but are available on this site).

Install altsound file:
1. Create an "altsound"(no quote marks) folder in your VPinMame main folder, if you don't already have one.
2. Then just drop the included "che_cho" altsound file in to your freshly made "altsound" folder.
3. Start the table (you'll hear nothing). Hit F1. Where it says, "Alt. Sound Mode (0-3):" on the right,
enter "1". Hit "OK".
4. Exit the table and restart.
5. After the table loads, you should hear the Cheech & Chong intro and then you're good to go.

For more detailed rules/scoring and other info, please refer to "table info" in VPX editor.

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First release
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5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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Cheech & Chong trippin' and rippin' Bongs!
A seriously well made table with an excellent theme.
Well Done!!
Upvote 6
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