Citadel (Original) VP8

VP8 SS Original Table Citadel (Original) VP8 v1.2 (post-2001)

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This is certainly one of Georg's more traditional, wide-open layouts, and probably one of his earliest tables. In any case, it's good fun, and the music is a perfect, relaxing accompaniment.

One of the unique features on this one is the ball (manually) plunging from a hidden spot in the upper left corner, from where it approaches four rollovers that must be gathered in order to light the kickback. It's a really nice idea and could certainly be used in other tables.

Another clever feature is the way the upper-middle drop-target bank is made up of nested cylinders that become progressively smaller as you hit them.

Although the game is relatively simple, it can be easy to lose the ball carelessly in several ways, making this a nice table for anyone from beginners to experts. It has surprisingly good staying power, I'd say. --@Isaac Sauvage

Citadel V1.2.jpg

Note: There's also an odd bug-- if you tap the plunger lightly and then pull it back all the way, the plunger ball will sometimes get lost, and the captive ball will release on to the PF. I think this might be related to the global wall only running from 30-50 units in height. Anyway, as long as you don't deliberately try to trigger this bug, you should be fine.
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