Cow Poke (Gottlieb, 1965) VPX

VPX Gottlieb EM Recreation Cow Poke (Gottlieb, 1965) VPX Original & v1.0a Lighting Tweaks

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Cow Poke (Gottlieb, 1965) / IPDB# 581
1,256 units (confirmed)​
American West​
Add-A-Ball [?]
Notable Features:
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The replay version is Gottlieb's 1965 'Buckaroo'. Compare these playfields to that of Gottlieb's 1962 'Flipper Cowboy'.

It was not uncommon for operators in Italy to modify games for 5-digit scoring. Most often, the new digit was a fake "0" but in some cases they added a real counter.​
Loserman tribute project:
With permission, this is a project to share some selected tables of the late Jeff Whitehead here at PN. Big thanks to @xenonph for various fixes & tweaks, and to @jpsalas for the LUT script, which allows the quick lighting adjustments. Both the originals (linked) and tweaked versions are being shared here.

If any of Jeff's collaborators object to their work being shared across this project, please let us know so we can remove the table in question. We plan on releasing some more of these if all goes well. --Ike

News of Jeff's passing:
- Build/Coding by Loserman76 (SOURCE)
- Artwork by GNance
- HauntFreaks, newer postit note images, environment file, lighting information, primitives
- BorgDog, his tables that helped me to understand more with VPX - and I probably lifted a primitive or 2 from them as well
- GNance, score motor tweaks to behave like a real EM, PostIt routines, Options menu
- JPSalas, gameroom backdrop
- Pinuck, Gottlieb chimes and score motor routines
- Arngrim, DOF coding and information
- When game is not in progress, holding down left flipper for about 3-5 seconds will bring up the options menu. Left flipper selects item, right flipper changes option
- In addition to the "standard" keys (typically "1" to start game and "5" for coin), I've added "3" for coin and "4" for coin and auto-start game to simulate 3 coin slots
- Shadow config settings; look for these 2 lines near the beginning of the scripting:
Const ShadowFlippersOn = true
Const ShadowBallOn = true

- Change to FALSE if you want either of the shadows not showing on your tables
- Also included a wheel image in the ZIP for your convenience
- For the manual ball lift you can use either the start game button (typically "1") OR you can use the letter "A".
- For Cow Poke you can modify line 597 to your preferences if you don't like mine
- Version 1.0a: fixed missing reset of 1-7 if you collected/lit all of them. Thanks Scorpion for that information as I missed it on the schematics.
- Added modified JPSalas Lut script, toggled with Left Magna-Save key (L-CTRL). Note: tapping this key will step the table through 12 different lighting levels.
- Adjusted all Playfield Insert Lights Intensity from 2 to 8.
- Adjusted BumperLight Intensity from 2 to 4.
Cow Poke (Gottlieb 1965) v1.0a Tweakedb.PNG
Cow Poke (Gottlieb 1965) v1.0a Tweakedc.PNG
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