Cue-T (Williams, 1968)

Williams EM Recreation FP Cue-T (Williams, 1968) 2022-04-10

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Cue-T (Williams, 1968) v2.0
IPDB No. 611
You can toggle (by the toggle HUD key) the HUD reel.
You access to the ajustment menu by the Special2Key in order to manage:
- balls per game,
- scrolling,
- bottom rollover adjustment (both lanes are lit for special) or alternate,
- auto X-Ball adjustment: an extra ball is won when you complete 15 balls,
- reset high score entries,
- tilt handling: normal FP's way (8 warning allowed), liberal (16 warnings allowed), and not tilt.

> Making 15 balls lights left and right bottom rollovers
> Ball through rollover when lit scores 1 EXTRA BALL.
> Making A-B-C-D lights center horseshoe to score
> TILT penalty - forfeiture of game.
> Making 15 balls lights left and right bottom rollovers
> Ball through rollover when lit scores 1 EXTRA BALL.
> Making A-B-C-D lights center horseshoe to score
> TILT penalty - forfeiture of game.
CHANGELOG: (v2.00)​
- 4K ready,
- change lighting effects,
- more accurate script.
Date Of Manufacture:November, 1968
Production:2,800 units (confirmed)
Notable Features:Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (4), Passive bumpers (4), Slingshots (2), Standup targets (5), Kick-out holes (2), Horseshoe lane (1), Rollover button (1).
Design by:Norm Clark
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  • CueT_F2.jpg
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  • CueT_F8.jpg
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  • CueT_TAB.jpg
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  • Flyer_IPDB.jpg
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Reactions: Isaac Sauvage
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