Fathom (Bally, 1981) VP8

VP8 Bally SS Recreation Fathom (Bally, 1981) VP8 v1.2

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Version 1.2,
Bally 1981,
IPD No. 829,

(From Instruction Card)

* Making A-B-C lanes.
Right flipper button rotates lit A-B-C lights.
1st time lights left ball return lane for 50,000.
2nd time lights remaining ball return lane for 50,000.
3rd time lights outlane special.
4th time lights A-B-C lanes special.
1 replay for completing A-B-C when lit for special.
1 replay for ball through outlanes when lit for special.

* Dropping 1-2-3 center targets in sequence lights yellow target extra ball flashing light.

1 extra ball for hitting target while flashing.

* Ball falling into lagoon or cave trap saucer remains captive until 3 targets in front of respective saucer are dropped.

Dropping 3 left blue or green targets also drops 1 respective captive ball target.

* When multi balls are in play, ball dropping into either saucer remains captive and is released by dropping left 3 blue or green targets when respective captive ball targets are not up.

* Bonus multiplies 3x,4x,5x are advanced by dropping captive ball targets or left 3 blue or green targets.

* Two balls in play at one time doubles all playfield scores, 3 balls triples all playfield scores.

* Bonus special lights by attaining 55,000 on green and blue bonus.
1 replay by advancing green or blue bonus to 110,000 points.

* Maximum 1 extra ball per ball in play.

* Tilt penalty -- Ball in play.

Modified Rules Romset Rule Changes

Skill Plunger Shot
When a new ball is served (normal or extraball, not multiball) a - b - c will change automatically. The lane change button is disabled. When you hit the lit letter a - b - c will be given. If you hit another letter only this letter is given. Now the lane change works normally. The lane change also works normally if any other point is scored. The two 50 k arrows are light after successful skill shot. Dip switch 24 has no function, because for a new ball always one letter is lit.

The following speech phrases are used:
"air supply gone" : When extraball is lit and you don't get it after 6 or 12 seconds.
"Air gone": If you lose one ball during multiball.
"The trap is set" if you start a game and no ball is locked, otherwise "seanymphs await" (first player)
"Aahh!" if you start a game (second player)
"Aahh, yes!" if you start a game (third and forth player)

PD CPU Ruleset Changes

This version of the game offers chances for easy rewards, but at potentially massive costs.

When a ball is sent to the top (blue) saucer, it will be changed into a blue power orb. Likewise, when a ball is sent to the right (green) saucer, it will be changed into a green power orb.

Once released, each power orb is animated and contains the power to harm the other base (saucer). You must send the power orb to the other saucer in order to attack your enemies! If successful, you will be instantly rewarded!

-The award for getting the Green Orb to the Blue Saucer (the more difficult of the two saucer shots) is to drop the 1,2,3 drop targets in order twice (once to clear, once to go in order), hopefully assuring the Extra Ball is then lit at the right Standup Target.

- The award for getting the Blue Orb to the Green Saucer is to clear out the left drop target bank completely, thus potentially awarding a bonus multiplier for each side and dropping one of any inline drop targets standing.

However, if you screw up and send the destructive same color power orb back to the saucer from which it came (its home base), you will destroy yourself and your current game! (SLAM TILT!) So be careful where you aim! This is the risk of playing with power!
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