Force II (Gottlieb, 1981) VP9 v2.2
by Destruk, TAB, Kristian
IPD No. 916
VERY quick layout & gfx rebuild v2.2 (Kristian). Finally found (probably) the only available picture for this table on the Net.
VP9 tested
No changes, should work 100% with VP9
Press F6 for dip switch settings. Thanks Inkochnito!
by Destruk, TAB, Kristian
IPD No. 916
VERY quick layout & gfx rebuild v2.2 (Kristian). Finally found (probably) the only available picture for this table on the Net.
VP9 tested
No changes, should work 100% with VP9
Press F6 for dip switch settings. Thanks Inkochnito!
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