by cypher80b, Gimli, hauntfreaks, rom, skinooe
at 2014-11-16
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Midway Manufacturing Company, a subsidiary of WMS Industries, Incorporated (1988-1999), Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tradename Bally
Date 1991
IPD No. 1004
CabinetFP Zedpinball
at 2014-11-16
Type Recreation (real pinball)
Manufacturer Midway Manufacturing Company, a subsidiary of WMS Industries, Incorporated (1988-1999), Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tradename Bally
Date 1991
IPD No. 1004
CabinetFP Zedpinball
RulesBased on 'Gilligan's Island' pinball machine by Bally.
cypher80b: Build/Script the table, redraw some plastics.
D_Struct: Make the playfield redraw and some plastics.
rom: Create the Kona model.
hauntfreaks: HD, GI
Gimli: Dmd highscore
skinooe: Zed physics
Special thanks to bil, dead donkey and leodios262000 for testing the table 1.1
New: shadows, gi, dmd hiscore entry, HD,
Tables of collection Zedpinball Physics 1.1 :
Apollo 13 1.0a
Gilligan's Island HD 1.1
Gladiators 1.0
Junkyard Cats 1.0
Phantom of the Opera 1.2W
Rat Fink 1.01
Road Girls Revisited 1.0a
The Shadow 1.0
This table is a mod of :
Gilligan's Island 1.1
Info* OBJECT: To relieve the Natives Island God, KONA. Do this by collecting all seven ingredients of the Professor's Secret Formula Lava Seltzer. Take the Lava Seltzer through the Jungle Run Trails and get it to Kona. If successful you receive "Kona's Treasure", 50 Million Points!
* L-A-G-O-O-N TARGETS: Completing the Lagoon Targets qualifies the Lagoon for random values. Score one of the following: (150,000), (300,000), (500,000), (750,000), (1 Million), (2 Million), (3 Million), (Multi-Ball), (Bonus Ball) or (Special).
* KICKBACK: Score the lit value when used. Advance the value through the lit Return Lane. Re-light Kickback at top saucer when lit, by using Lane Change Feature.
* GIFT OF GODS: All other players collect 1 Million Points.
* BONUS BALLS: All Bonus Balls are played at end of game.
* Use 'B' button to change between 3-Ball and 5-Ball game (Only when not active game).
* Table supports multiplayer games (up to 4 players).
That is neccesary for using Zed Physic without modified FP.exe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All files included are ready to play (only start table trough Fploader.exe)
- copy all files in directory
- don't extract the ""!!!!!!!!
- extract BAM archive in FP dir
- start exe file in BAM dir and load the table
Thats it
All table fpl are are the by table creators,
I have only ajusted exe file for using Zed physic with postprocess fx lightning
the included cfg file in Bam/cfg folder is a suggestion for lightning
Pressing q:
- you can activate new lightning
- Addon trails: this is similar pinball fx2, you can chacke the colour, also how long this trail is! It's not an artifact
My version the cfg. file in bam zip, you do not need yours overwrite with that of mine, it should only be a help for noobs.
Help threat:
Tutorial for BAM at:
Das ist notwendig, um die neue Zed Physic ohne modifzierte Future Pinball.exe zu nutzen:
- kopiere alle Dateien (die "Tisch".zip Datei nicht entpacken!!!!!!! darin enthalten sind notwenige Bumper Models und die Physic) in das Tisch Verzeichnis
- Entpacke Bam.rar in den Future Pinball Ordner. Dort wo das Future Pinball.exe liegt, sollte nun das ein Ornder mit dem Namen BAM sein
- wechsle in den Ordner BAM:
Von dort aus starte die exe Datei
Nun kann wie immer der Tisch geladen werden.
Meine Modifizierung betrifft nur den Flippertisch selbt, alles andere ist so gelassen, wie die Tischhersteller es festgelegt haben
Q: Was ist der Sinn dieser Sache?
A: ZED physic nützen ohne die ganze Tischsammlung umkrempeln zu müssen.
Ineressante Einführung für BAM bei:
Frage: Was kann man mit Bam machen?
-echtes 3d
-Face Tracking
-roll und kick Effeckt wie in Pinball FX
und vieles mehr
Die inkludierte cfg Datein in Bam Ordner Bam/cfg ist die Beleuchtungsumgebung: Ich habe dazu die Flasch Lichter verstärkt.
Im Arcade Modus kann sich das jeder selbst einrichten: dazu drücken sie "q" oder "ö"
Viel Spaß
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