King Pin (Gottlieb 1973) VP9.21 by Robair
IPDB No. 1374
IPDB No. 1374
Production: | 4,350 units (confirmed) |
Theme: | Sports - Bowling |
Notable Features: | Flippers (4), Pop bumpers (2), Slingshots (2), Kick-out holes (2), Standup targets (2), 10-bank drop targets (1). Maximum displayed point score is 99,990 points. |
Design by: | |
Art by: | |
Notes: | The Add-a-ball version of this game is Gottlieb's 1975 'Pin-Up', and the Add-a-ball version for export to Italy is Gottlieb's 1973 'Ten-Up'. |

King Pin (Gottlieb, 1973) (IkeS)