Lost World (Bally, 1978) VP8

VP8 Bally SS Recreation Lost World (Bally, 1978) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

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by Ripleyyy, Joe Entropy, Scapino
IPD No. 1476

' Lost World -- Bally, 1978
' Release VPinMame version 1.0, Apr 2002
' Design: Gary Gayton
' Art: Paul Farris
' Script: Joe Entropy
' Table: Ripleyyy
' Mod : Scapino
' Note: As usual, I stole the original script (I think from Gaston's
' Mata Hari), but most of the code is vpm boilerplate anyway.
' Ripleyyy's comment (while LW is THE table...
' a long love story !) ;) :
' very special tanx to Scapino who redo perfectly (yes, its true)
' the pics, the result is fabulous ! And tanx to you Joe for giving
' us (me) this vpm version; playing the table, i go back in time
' for 20 years... ;) specially for the hole's sounds ! lol
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