Mad Scientist - The Chemicals (Original)

SS Original Table FP Mad Scientist - The Chemicals (Original) v2.41 MOD

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Solid State Machines
by Alphabill, Mad MR Max
at 2009-11-01
Type Original

NEW release 2.3 of M.S.: the chem. mod with D.M.D.

Hello and sorry about the last bugged version. Spend many times
for the new 2.3 release.
Added a simple, but real DOT MATRIX DISPLAY AND HUD DMD with a few animations

- You can change the HUD DMD colour, position and size (optional)
Don't forget to save the table to keep the changes.


If you disable the GLSL Shaders in the Video/Rendering Options then

you CANNOT see the background animations in the Dot Matrix Display(s).

Windows Vista

If you have problems to load the table, run FuturePinball in the Administrator mode. !
- in normal conditions it should be a few seconds to load Mad Scientist: T.Chem. mod
During Game:
Right flipper key for "Clear Flask" only if potions in the upper left flask

Left flipper key for "Mix Elements" only if potions in the upper left flask

The Hud DMD is on by default, you can turn it off over Special 1 and 2 keys

Only at start of a new game:
"3 key" for 3 balls per game (default) or "5 key" for 5 balls per game (num keyboard)
  • Cabinet.jpg
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  • Translite.jpg
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First release
Last update
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