MahJongg (Original)

SS Original Table BAM FP MahJongg (Original) v1.0

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Solid State Machines
This table uses the BAM physics and flipper tutorial by @GeorgeH. Thanks GeorgeH! Don't have BAM? If you only have vanilla FP, open the script and delete everything between '**START BAM STUFF** and '**END BAM STUFF**, and you can play too!

A table based on the traditional chinese tile game Mah Jongg. Note that the rules of this table are not an accurate representation of the game, but a simplified pinball interpretation of them.

Light WINDS for ballsaver.
Light EAST for bonus multiplier.
Light all 8 (eight) flower tiles (with the four flower targets) for table multiplier.

Light all four wind tiles for four winds multiball.

Light any twelve of the tile lights (nine in each suit) to stop lighting further tiles and open the Go Out kicker (back right) This also lights the left loop (this is the way to get back there).

When you "go out" the ball is destroyed and you are paid for your hand, and a new ball is created in the plunger. This is not a lock, or a drain, simply its going out and resetting the hand.

The hand is scored in sets and runs. A set is three of the same tile (hitting the target three times) and a run is one of each tile in the suit (hitting each tile once). The tiles can score in both on one hand. If you hit bamboo 1 three times, bamboo 2 and 3 once each, and go out, then you score for one run and one set of bamboo. Total hand value is multiplied by the number of scoring sets and runs.

Suits score as follows:
Characters (yellow kights):
set 5000
run 7500

Bamboo (green lights)
set 7500
run 10000

stones/circles/dots (blue lights)
set 10000
run 15000

Dragons (pink lights)
set 15000
run 22500

Music: Imperial China Cinematic by Shane Ivers - (The Best Free Music!)
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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