Nightmare On ElmStreet Ultimate Pro FizX 3.0

SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Nightmare On ElmStreet Ultimate Pro FizX 3.0 V_107

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Solid State Machines
Designed and Created by SLAMT1LT
Soul Spinner and School Bus models - Steve Paradis (Polygame)
FizX V3.0 MOD v2.0 and Table Update by - HZR

The slingshots were implemented and powered this way to help hit (activate) the Night and Mare Drop targets, otherwise you will be here a long time playing (the original was like this also)

* Ultimate Pro v1.07
' ALL necessary surfaces bumpers rubbers corrected for fizx3 so I don't get s tongue lashing.
' Drop Targets FizX 3 not added on purpose, there are other things that happen that won't if there are invisible drop target diverters.
' LSred, RSred, LSdark, RSdark, not changed for lighting purposes.
' Physics were modified for playability, with hours of testing.
' Timers extended on video modes (WIP) mc1 mc2 mc3.
' Widened and extended right orbit a bit.
' New music, pause music, random background music and sounds.
' Flame thrower and fire embers on playfield - animation by HZR
' All plastics redone, and plastic coating effects were added.
' All light inserts were added with a glass coating.
' Nightmare shape light redone and glassed, and lighting added in nightmare mode.
' Some bulbs missing or needed adjusted.
' Action Camera added for Uniqueness, can be Disabled by changing true to false in script or use special 2 key.
' Added shadow maps and bump maps textures.
' Added option to use custom textured balls, (left flipper before start) to select custom Ball.
' Added nearly every Fizx 3 option and removed all necessary triggers as required.
' Optional 3 5 7 9 ball play (right flipper before play)
' Added new or adjusted shadow maps and also some ray tracing.
' Added missing screw, nut, chrome ornaments.
' Removed all triggers for sound to utilize FizX3
' Added a glass cover to the left ramp for special effect reasons (actually came out pretty well)
' Uses rotating flashers from Star Treks table for the left and right ramp modes (and Terry Reds code from robocop fizx3)
' Added all new chrome brushed metals.
' Added more video and a demon mode (not implemented yet) but 80% finished, I havent decided what action leads up to demon mode, but its Freddy vs Jason, to keep the theme fluent.

' TO DO - may save some ideas for my Nightmare on elm street ][ or 13 Ghosts Table
' Add moving left ramp for furnace diversion.
' Add another hidden mini playfield behind ramp when it raises.
' Add dungeon spinner hole in the middle.
' Add a new sleep and awake mode.(Nearly Finished)
' Figure out how to get the right orbit easier to hit.(can be achieved with friction on the left flipper , if if the flipper is staggered from the right one (sits lower).
' I think I'm missing some action camera zooms!!
Im certain the multiball Cam was omitted, but does not effect gameplay.
' I'm taking a break from this table as I will surely hate it if I don't.
' Again, thanks Slamt1lt for the table and all those at Pinball Nirvana for helping me with scripting...


==================== TABLE OPTIONS =============================
' =============================================================================

DOF_enabled = False 'Enable/Disable DOF for cabinet users with feedback and lighting
' If DOF is not installed, then this will automatically be disabled.
PUP_SSF_enabled = True 'Enable/Disable PUP SSF (Surround and Automatic ball and table sounds)
' Needs Pinup Player and FP_PUP_SSF PuP-Pack installed in up video folder.
' On/Off Special 1 key
ActionCam = True 'Allow (True) or don't allow (False) Action Camera
' If you don't want camera switching views in Desktop mode.
' On/Off Special 2 Key
Pussy = False 'True, Random scares, I don't think it does much else.
CamSpeed = 350 'Speed (Delay of the camera switching to a different view
' increasing # will increase the speed between camera views.
AllowCB = True 'Allow (true) or don't allow (false) custom balls
' Left flipper selects custom ball at table startup.
AllowRayCasting = True 'Allow (true) or don't allow (false) RayCastShadows (disable on old pc's)
AllowTrails = True 'Enable (True) or Disable (False) ball particle effects (Ball Trails)
  • NewLoader4.jpg
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  • Future Pinball - © 2008 BSP Software Design Solutions 12_18_2023 5_18_22 AM.png
    Future Pinball - © 2008 BSP Software Design Solutions 12_18_2023 5_18_22 AM.png
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First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 10 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Nightmare On ElmStreet Ultimate Pro FizX v1.07

    A lot of fixes, removed triggers for Fizx3 Fixed the ball getting stuck under the top left...

Latest reviews

Fantastic update!
Upvote 0
Jus discovered the table yesterday and already liked it, now there is an awesome update. Thanks alot for all your work! (:

Maybe i should try some other tables and see, if they get an update the next day as well... :D
Thanks , put a lot of time and learning into it.
Upvote 0
oh man HZR and all of you- this table is beutiful - plays incredible. I am starting to like FP FizX more fun than VPX!!! I am loving Fizx - its a whole new game now for the future of FP!!! thank you
Welome, glad you like it!
Upvote 0
Very nice update. Plays and looks absolutely amazing. Thanks for all of the work done on this one.
Upvote 0
Great update! Thanks!
thanks, its updated, i had messed a couple things up.
Upvote 0
Wonderful work. Makes a great table more fun to play. Thank you!
ty, let me know if you have any issues. once in a blue moon i would have it go really slow around the orbit.
and if you tild and dont wait until the tilt resets.
also if you select dont select a video stage it screws up. Im not sure how to fix that yet.
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