Panthera (Gottlieb, 1980) VP8

VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Panthera (Gottlieb, 1980) VP8 v5.01 JP 2020-01-28

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Panthera (Gottlieb, 1980) VP8 v5.01 JP
by jpsalas
IPD No. 1745

Revision History:
5.01 Forgot one lamp :)
5.0 Added new background, plunger, leds, script...

1.4 Fixed "Extra Ball" light
1.3 Fixed "shoot again" light.

- new taller bumpers
- new rubbers and posts

-Added Inkochnito's DIP switch routine

12.jan.2006 Release version
Press "R" during the game to see the short version.


GAME OBJECTIVES SUMMARY: Panthera is simple to understand but somewhat harder to play! To rack up the points you need to make the yellow, white, green and blue rollovers to light the correspondingly coloured drop-targets, then drop these in order to crank up the bonus score and the multiplier. The memory recalls which lit drop-targets have been previously hit between the players' turns. The longer one takes to complete all 4 rollovers and all the lit drop-targets, the smaller one's score will be!
For Extra Balls, life should be easier but it isn't! Making the 1-2-3 rollovers is relatively easy but the bull's eye target to get the Extra Ball is toggled on and off with each scoring shot (unless switch 31 is on), halving the chances of an Extra Ball.

* Location: Yellow - top of playfield & left outlane. Blue: top of playfield & left inlane. White: top of playfield & right inlane. Green: top of playfield & right outlane.
* Scoring: 1000 when lit, 500 when unlit.
* Extra: Adds 1000 bonus, lights respective coloured drop-target spots. Completing the rollovers lights the hole for Special.

* Location: Left centre, left upper and right centre of playfield.
* Scoring: 500 unlit, 5000 when lit (3-ball), 3000 when lit (5-ball).
* Extra: Add 1000 bonus when lit; all 3 targets of same colour dropped when lit advances multiplier.

* Location: Bottom left of playfield above left out/return lanes.
* Scoring: 1000
* Extra: Adds 3000 bonus, Special and Score Bonus when lit.

* Location: Centre top of playfield.
* Scoring: 1000 (3-ball), 100 (5-ball).
* Extra: Alternate the Extra Ball target and Special hole if switches 31 & 32 respectively are in the OFF (Conservative) position.

* Location: Upper right of playfield in hairpin lane.
* Scoring: 100 or 10000 when lit.
* Extra: Adds 1000 bonus when lit. Completing the 1-2-3 sequence lights the Bulls Eye spot target for Extra Ball; lights the Hole for Special if completed after the Yellow-Blue-White-Green Rollovers are completed.

* Location: Upper right of playfield and left centre of playfield, behind left centre drop-target bank.
* Scoring: 100 or 10000 when lit.
* Extra: Adds 1000 bonus when lit. Completing the 1-2-3 sequence lights the Bulls Eye spot target for Extra Ball; lights the Hole for Special if completed after the Yellow-Blue-White-Green Rollovers are completed.

* Location: Rollover: upper right of playfield; Spinner: upper left of playfield, between 2 left drop-target banks.
* Scoring: 100 or 10000 when lit (Spinner maximum 50000).
* Extra: Rollover adds 1000 bonus when lit. Spinner adds 5000 bonus maximum when lit. Completing the 1-2-3 sequence lights the Bulls Eye spot target for Extra Ball; lights the Hole for Special if completed after the Yellow-Blue-White-Green Rollovers are completed.

* Location: Upper and centre right of playfield.
* Scoring: 50
* Extra: Adds 1000 bonus when lit.

* Location: Centre right of playfield.
* Scoring: 500
* Extra: Adds 1000 bonus, Extra Ball when lit.

* Location: All over the place!
* Scoring: 10
* Extra: Alternate the Bull's Eye target for Extra Ball and the Hole for Special, if switches 31 & 32 respectively are in the OFF (Conservative) position.
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