Pokerino (Williams, 1978) VP8

VP8 Williams SS Recreation Pokerino (Williams, 1978) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

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TomB, Eala Dubh Sidhe, Destruk
IPD No. 1839

W M S P o k e r i n o , 1 9 7 8
This information is derived from romset "pkrno_l1" and may contain errors.

Using the "white flipper roms" this game is similar to other WMS games of that
time (Disco Fever. Phoenix etc.)

Remarkable is the fact that Pokerino allows up to three extraballs per ball.

S o l e n o i d s

No | Function
1 | Ball Release
2 | Joker drop target reset
3 | Jack left drop targets reset *1)
4 | Jack right drop targets reset *1)
5 | Queen upper drop targets reset *2)
6 | Queen lower drop targets reset *2)
7 | King chamber post down
8 | King chamber post up
9 | - sound 10 pt -
10 | - sound 100 pt -
11 | - sound 1K pt -
12 | - sound 10K pt -
13 | - sound -
14 | Knocker
15 | - not used -
16 | Coin lockout
17 | Top bumper *3)
18 | Left bumper *3)
19 | Bottom bumper *3)
20 | Left kicker *3)
21 | - not used - *3)
22 | Right kicker *3)
23 | (VPM Game on)

*1) Left and right may be exchanged but this doesn't matter as the game always
pulses them together
*2) Upper and lower may be exchanged but this doesn't matter as the game always
pulses them together
*3) Taken from

S w i t c h M a t r i x
Location of rebound switches are guessed based on playfield layout assuming
switches of the same column are close to each other. This applies to left/right
jack drop targets, kickers and outlanes too.

Col/Row | Sw # | Switch
(VPM) | -7 | Advance
(VPM) | -6 | Auto/Man
(VPM) | -5 | Diagnostic
(VPM) | -4 | Soundtest
(VPM) | -3 | Enter
11 | 1 | Plumb bob tilt
12 | 2 | Ball roll tilt
13 | 3 | Credit button
14 | 4 | Left coin switch
15 | 5 | Center coin switch
16 | 6 | Right coin switch
17 | 7 | Slam tilt
18 | 8 | Highscore reset
21 | 9 | Top left lane rollover
22 | 10 | King chamber rollover
23 | 11 | Kings chamber upper standup
24-27 | 12-15 | Ace rollovers
28 | 16 | Top right tunnel rollover
31-34 | 17-20 | Queen drop targets
35 | 21 | Queen drop target series
36 | 22 | Middle right standup
37 | 23 | Queen standup
38 | 24 | Playfield tilt
41-42 | 25-26 | Right Jack drop targets
43 | 27 | Right outlane
44 | 28 | Right kicker
45 | 29 | Outhole
46 | 30 | Left kicker
47 | 31 | Left outlane
48 | 32 | Right jack standup
51-52 | 33-34 | Left Jack drop targets
53 | 35 | Jack drop target series
54 | 36 | Spinner
55 | 37 | Kings chamber lower standup
56-58 | 38-40 | Bumpers
61 | 41 | Ten rollover
62 | 42 | Joker drop target
63 | 43 | - not used - *1)
64 | 44 | - not used - *2)
65 | 45 | Left Jack standup
66 | 46 | Left lower standup
67-68 | 47-48 | - not used -

*1) Switch 43 only produces a slam tilt sound. It might be a second switch mounted to the slam tilt device in the cabinet. The switch doesn't work in Game Over.
*2) Switch 44 produces just a sound when not in Game Over. The nature of this sound suggests it might have been (planned to be) used for the King Chamber loop.

L a m p M a t r i x
Col/Row | Lamp# | Lamp(s)
11-14 | 1- 4 | King 1-4
15-18 | 5- 8 | Ten 1-4
21-24 | 9-12 | Ace 1-4
25 | 13 | Jacks (2x) *1)
26 | 14 | Queens (2x)
27 | 15 | Tens
28 | 16 | Aces (2x)
31-38 | 17-24 | Pokerino P-O
41-44 | 25-28 | Bonus 2x-5x
45-48 | 29-32 | Bonus 1-4
51-55 | 33-37 | Bonus 5-9
56 | 38 | - not used - *2)
57 | 39 | Bonus 10K
58 | 40 | Bonus 20K
61 | 41 | Jacks (right) *1)
62 | 42 | Kings (2x)
63 | 43 | Top right special
64 | 44 | Top left extraball
65 | 45 | Spinner
66 | 46 | Left outlane
67 | 47 | Right outlane
68 | 48 | Shoot again (Playfield)
71 | 49 | - not used - *3)
72-75 | 50-53 | 1-4 can play
76 | 54 | Match
77 | 55 | Ball in play
78 | 56 | Credit
81-84 | 57-60 | Player 1-4 up
85 | 61 | Tilt
86 | 62 | Game over
87 | 63 | Shoot again (backglass)
88 | 64 | Highest score

*1) Lamps 13 and 41 are tied together by software. Whenever lamp 13 changes,
lamp 41 does so too
*2) Lamp used internally by the software: bonus carry from bonus 9
*3) Lamp used internally by the software: extraball available

G a m e A d j u s t m e n t s
Viewing current settings

1 From Game Over set Auto/Man to Manual
2 Press Advance. Credit display shows test 04, match display shows function
(see table below)
3 Cycle through functions with Advance
4 Leave by setting Auto/Man to Auto and pressing Advance
or reboot machine

Lamp-, solenoid- and switchtest

1 From Game Over set Auto/man to Auto
2 Press Diagnostic. Displays go blank.
3 Press Advance. Display test starts.
4 Cycle through lamp-, solenoid and switchtest by pressing Advance.
Credit display shows current test number.
5 Pressing Advance in test 04 will end tests

Changing settings with dip switches

1 Press Diagnostic. Displays go blank.
2 Adjust function and data dips to desire values (see table below)
3 Press Enter
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 for other adjustments if desired
5 Reboot machine or go to test 01 by pressing Advance

Test 04 | Func | Form | Function / Valid values | Factory | Notes
display | dips | *1) | | default |
01 | 01 | bcd | Replay 1 | 29 | *2)
02 | 02 | bcd | Replay 2 | 43 | *2)
03 | 03 | bcd | Replay 3 | 54 | *2)
04 | 04 | bcd | Replay 4 | 00 | *2)
05 | 05 | bcd | Maximum credits | 20 |
06 | 06 | bin | Lampmemory, Match, Extraballs, Replay | 10 | *3)
| | | 00 off , on , one , credit | |
| | | 01 off , on , one , extraball | |
| | | 02 off , on , unlimited , credit | |
| | | 03 off , on , unlimited , extraball | |
| | | 04 off , off , one , credit | |
| | | 05 off , off , one , extraball | |
| | | 06 off , off , unlimited , credit | |
| | | 07 off , off , unlimited , extraball | |
| | | 08 on , on , one , credit | |
| | | 09 on , on , one , extraball | |
| | | 10 on , on , unlimited , credit | |
| | | 11 on , on , unlimited , extraball | |
| | | 12 on , off , one , credit | |
| | | 13 on , off , one , extraball | |
| | | 14 on , off , unlimited , credit | |
| | | 15 on , off , unlimited , extraball | |
07 | 07 | bcd | Difficulty | 02 | *4)
| | | 00 conservative: P and O separate | |
| | | 02 liberal: P and O together | |
| | | 04 50K instead of extraball, P and O together | |
08 | 08 | bcd | High score credits | 03 |
09 | 12 | bin | Left coin slot multiplier | 01 |
10 | 13 | bin | Center coin slot multiplier | 01 |
11 | 14 | bin | Right coin slot multiplier | 01 |
12 | 15 | bin | Minimum coin units for credit | 00 |
13 | 16 | bin | Coin unit bonus | 00 |
14 | 17 | bin | Coin units required for credit | 01 |
15 | 18 | bcd | Special award, number of balls | 13 |
| | | 13 credit , three | |
| | | 23 extraball, three | |
| | | 15 credit , five | |
| | | 25 extraball, five | |
16 | 19 | bcd | Maximum plumb bob tilts | 03 |
17 | 20 | bcd | Credits | 00 |
18 | 21 | bcd | High score 10,000 | 45 |
| 22 | bcd | High score 100 | 00 |
| 23 | bcd | High score 1 | 00 |
19 | -- | bcd | Audit: Coins left chute | |
20 | -- | bcd | Audit: Coins center chute | |
21 | -- | bcd | Audit: Coins right chute | |
22 | -- | bcd | Audit: Credits paid | |
23 | -- | bcd | Audit: Credits won | |
-- | 128 | bin | Auto cycle mode | | *5)
-- | 196 | bin | Restore factory defaults | | *6)

*1) Format indicates if the data dips are to be set in BCD or binary format
(e.g. 99 binary is &H63=_XX___XX while 99 BCD is &H99=X__XX__X)
Binary format values are usually not displayed correctly in test 04
*2) To disable a replay set all data dips to on (value 255)
*3) TENS lamp is never on memory, QUEENS lamp is not on memory in 5-balls setup.
Bonus multiplier is on memory until 5x is collected,
Up to three extraballs can be scored with a single ball when enabled:
one for reaching Pokerino R plus two when completing all five card groups.
*4) Pokerino K and E are always tied together
*5) For autocycle mode press Advance after dip switches have been entered
*6) After restore defaults the game will enter test 04 on next boot up.

S o u n d
Pokerino uses the generic sound rom that is found on all of the first WMS SS games
before Gorgar.
Sound dip 2 toggles selects between chime-like and synthesized sounds, sound dip 1
is ignored.
Pressing Soundtest sends the sound rom into an infinite test loop independent of the
game rom. To go back to normal operation the game has to be rebooted.

* * *
Feb '05
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