Street Racing (Original)

SS Flipperless Original Table FP Street Racing (Original) v1.0

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Solid State Machines
by jukecade

My Third table - I designed this table for my young nephew who is mad on cars and car racing.

This flipperless table is based on a Street Racing theme with hot cars and hot girls (Hey Uncles & dads should enjoy the table too!). Race the Red & Yellow super cars - Who will be the winner.

A game for one player. Play against the table. Take it in turns to shoot the ball. Depending where your ball falls will move your car forward towards the
finish line. Watch out for the road works as it will move your car back and stay out of the way of the local Police.

(This game will appeal to younger children rather than adult pinball players.)

How to play
* Game is played with the plunger only.
* You & the table take turns to launch your ball to move your car.
* Unlimited balls.
* Game ends when one car reaches the finish.
* Run over the street grid covers to activate the spinners or close the road

works barriers.
* Run over the NOS icon to gain additional moves.
* Drop the ball in the Police Stop slot will not move your car.
* Slot lanes will move your car from 1 to 4 places.
  • Street Racing.jpg
    Street Racing.jpg
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  • Street Racing cab.jpg
    Street Racing cab.jpg
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