VPX All-In-One Installer 10.5.0

VPX Support File VPX All-In-One Installer 10.5.0 2020-01-28

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All-in-one (almost) installer (VPX10.5.0, VP9.9.5, VP9.9PM5(updated Plunger/Accel/Surround MOD), VP9.2.1, VP8, VPM3.1, DMDext, X/UltraDMD, B2S, DX9webinstaller, Core.vbs scripts). Open the zip, run the VP5setup.exe file, enjoy.

VPX 10.5 is a Unified Installer which contains everything you need except Tables and ROMs.
It installs VisualPinball, VisualPinMAME and all needed additional files in a matter of seconds and contains VP 8, 9 and X in order to play different versions of Tables.

Important: Vista and Win7 Users must use the 'Run As Administrator' Option. (Installer and Visual Pinball.)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the VP/VPM Help and Support or try the Forum Search.

From irpinball.org help section:
Download pre 1980s pinballs from http://irpinball.org (IRPinball) Click Downloads. there are thousands of tables there in various sub sections based on time period or IRPinball team creations. None of these tables require Roms, When you d/l these zips....unzip them into your visual pinball Tables directory.

For post 1977 tables that need roms too...go to Pinball Nirvana for tables and roms (roms can also be found at the Internet Pinball Database) and unzip the tables the same way you would in step 3, but download and DO NOT-NOT-NOT UNZIP THE ROMS. Put the zipped roms your visual pinball/roms directory.

TO PLAY A GAME...double click on visual pinball.exe in your visual pinball..go to FILE..then OPEN and select a table (example...Hayburners I (Williams 1950).vpt) then it will load up...usually you put in 5 for a coin.. 1 for a credit...to start a table..sometimes you need to press S,C,A or L on your keyboard(A and L are sometimes found in 40s, 50s, and 60s Tables)...read the readmes that come in the zips.....for williams roms for late 80s and 90s games...hit F3 to reload the Table, 8 to lower the sound and 9 to make it louder. to exit the game..hit escape and escape and file quit... use Open to play other tables and so forth..

Get help or talk about the game at Pinball Nirvana Forums you can post messages there and ask questions and tons of people chat about this program there, enjoy the thousands of tables from 1940-2001 you can play now plus you can find links to original tables!

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Excellent :)

A good installer and great instruction.
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