1. druadic

    VPX Flipperless Recreation Player's Choice (Betco Products, Inc., 1945)

    druadic submitted a new resource: Player's Choice (Betco Products, Inc., 1945) - Player's Choice for VPX 6 Read more about this resource...
  2. druadic

    VPX Flipperless Recreation Player's Choice (Betco Products, Inc., 1945) v1.0

    Player's Choice (Betco Products, Inc., 1945) IPD No. 6997 (1966 version) A tabletop trade simulator from 1945 which pretty much was a small pin machine. There is a 1966 version of this machine at IPDB but this is NOT that version; this is the original version. I know, I have a knack for finding...
  3. O

    Gottlieb EM Flipperless Recreation FP Stage Door Canteen (Gottlieb, 1945)

    Okobojimusky submitted a new resource: Stage Door Canteen (Gottlieb '45) - First Pinball (Flipperless) manufactured after WWII Read more about this resource...
  4. O

    Gottlieb EM Flipperless Recreation FP Stage Door Canteen (Gottlieb, 1945) v1.1 MOD

    Manufacturer: David Gottlieb & Co. Date: November 1945 Design: Harry Mabs Art: Roy Parker IPD No. 2338 Authors: Original Table: Fpozo45 Modifications: Okobojimusky Modifications: Backglass fully functional. Ball tray enlarged to prevent next ball being generated too soon by balls moving around...
  5. FranciscoPozo

    Gottlieb EM Flipperless Recreation FP Stage Door Cantine (Gottlieb, 1945)

    FranciscoPozo submitted a new resource: Stage Door Cantine - Pre-WWII EMReal Pinball Recreation. Read more about this resource...
  6. FranciscoPozo

    Gottlieb EM Flipperless Recreation FP Stage Door Cantine (Gottlieb, 1945) v1.0

    Stage Door Canteen / IPD No. 2338 / November, 1945 / 1 Player Manufacturer: D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977) [Trade Name: Gottlieb] Date Of Manufacture: November, 1945 Model Number: A Type: Electro-mechanical (EM) Production: 7,500 units (confirmed) Serial Number Database...
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