1. Lbyms

    Data East SS Recreation FP Maverick (Data East, 1994) MOD

    Lbyms submitted a new resource: Maverick (Data East Sega 1994 ) - Data East Read more about this resource...
  2. Lbyms

    Data East SS Recreation FP Maverick (Data East, 1994) MOD v1.1

    Maverick (Data East Sega 1994) v1.1 avec les medias IPD No. 1561 Original table by ghostmachine MOD by Lbyms
  3. Maverick (Data East, Sega, 1994 )

    Maverick (Data East, Sega, 1994 )

    Date Of Manufacture: September 25, 1994 Model Number: 500-5531-01 Common Abbreviations: MAV MPU: DataEast/Sega Version 3b Type: Solid State Electronic (SS) Notable Features: Flippers (3), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), 5-bank drop targets (2), 4-bank drop targets (1), 3-bank drop targets (1)...
  4. xenonph

    Bally SS Recreation BAM FP World Cup Soccer (Bally, 1994) BAM MOD

    xenonph submitted a new resource: World Cup Soccer (Bally, 1994) BAM MOD - NitroNimbus MOD Read more about this resource...
  5. NitroNimbus

    Bally SS Recreation BAM FP World Cup Soccer (Bally, 1994) BAM MOD v2.0

    World Cup Soccer (Midway, 1994) v2.0 BAM MOD IPD No. 2811 Hi All, MOD 2.0 with BAM updates, cheers! Authors: Rom, Smoke, @NitroNimbus. PLEASE NOTE: THIS TABLE WILL NOT RUN WITHOUT THE LATEST BAM. Scripts Folder needs to be placed in the Future Pinball Folder not BAM folder. Download BAM from...
  6. S

    Bally SS Recreation BAM FP World Cup Soccer (Bally, 1994) v1.6

    by rom, smoke at 2019-01-05 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer Williams Electronic Games, Incorporated, a subsidiary of WMS Ind., Incorporated (1985-1999) Tradename Williams Date 1994 IPD No. 2811 BAMCustom Physics Description Info Rules
  7. Not Registered

    Bally SS Recreation FP The Shadow (Bally, 1994) MOD by skinooe v1.0 Zedpinball Physics 1.1

    by cypher80b, polygame, skinooe at 2015-02-23 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer Midway Manufacturing Company, a subsidiary of WMS Industries, Incorporated (1988-1999), Chicago, Illinois, USA Tradename Bally Date 1994 IPD No. 2528 FP Zedpinball Description...
  8. Not Registered

    Bally SS Recreation FP The Shadow (Bally, 1994) by cypher80b v1.0

    by cypher80b, polygame at 2013-12-28 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer Midway Manufacturing Company, a subsidiary of WMS Industries, Incorporated (1988-1999), Chicago, Illinois, USA Tradename Bally Date 1994 IPD No. 2528 FP Physics 1.0 Description Info...
  9. S

    Bally SS Recreation FP The Addams Family (Bally, 1994) ULTIMATE v1.02 Physics 2.6

    by Glxb, Highlnder00, SLAMT1LT at 2013-11-01 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer Midway Manufacturing Company, a subsidiary of WMS Industries, Incorporated (1988-1999), Chicago, Illinois, USA Tradename Bally Date 1994-10 IPD No. 21 FP Physics 2.6 Description
  10. franzleo

    SS Recreation Video Games FP Epic Pinball Enigma (Epic MegaGames, 1994) v2.0

    by franzleo at 2012-03-14 Type Recreation (videogame) Editor Epic MegaGames (1991-1999) Date 1994 Tables of collection Epic Pinball : Cyborgirl 1.1 Cyborgirl 2.0 Enigma 2.0 Super Android 1.0 Super Android 2.0 Super Android 1.1
  11. S

    Bally SS Recreation FP The Addams Family 20th Anniversary Edition (Bally, 1994) MOD v1.04

    by Glxb, Highlnder00, SLAMT1LT at 2012-02-29 Type Recreation (real pinball) Manufacturer Midway Manufacturing Company, a subsidiary of WMS Industries, Incorporated (1988-1999), Chicago, Illinois, USA Tradename Bally Date 1994-10 IPD No. 21 Description Info This...
  12. S

    SS Recreation Video Games FP Epic Pinball Cyborgirl (Epic MegaGames, 1994) v1.1

    by Slash2084 at 2008-05-25 Type Recreation (videogame) Editor Epic MegaGames (1991-1999) Date 1994 Tables of collection Epic Pinball : Cyborgirl 1.1 Cyborgirl 2.0 Enigma 2.0 Super Android 1.0 Super Android 2.0 Super Android 1.1
  13. U

    VPX Frontend Media Corvette (Bally-Midway, 1994) VPX - P.E.C.M. v1.4.2

    Corvette (Bally-Midway, 1994) VPX - P.E.C.M. v1.42 IPD No. 570 Table Created By: Goldchicco, 32assassin, Mussinger Download Table: Corvette Table B2S: Corvette B2S What this label means: P.E.C.M. - Pinball Emporium Complete Media All media is included: Menu Image Logo Alpha Image Topper Image...
  14. StevOz

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation World Cup Soccer (Bally, 1994) VP9 v1.04 [WS][DT]

    World Cup Soccer (Bally, 1994) VP9 v1.04 [WS][DT] IPD No. 2811 This is the WS desktop mod of World Cup Soccer (Bally)(1994) by Bmiki75, Koadic, Bodydump and Bent98. Thanks Bodybump for your permission to release this Desktop conversion. Also try the colour DMD settings here...
  15. G

    Data East SS Recreation FP Maverick (Data East, 1994) v1.0

    Maverick (Data East, 1994) v1.0 by ghostmachine IPD No. 1561 Re created from Data East Maverick pinball based on the movie. No updates will be made for this. If anyone wants to add to it and re upload any improvements are welcome. I DID TEST THIS OUT FOR ABOUT 2 HOURS.. RAMPS WORK EXCELLENT...
  16. StevOz

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation World Cup Soccer (Bally, 1994) VP9

    This is the WS desktop mod of World Cup Soccer (Bally)(1994) by Bmiki75, Koadic, Bodydump and Bent98. Thanks Bodybump for your permission to release this Desktop conversion. Also try the colour DMD settings here...
  17. S

    VP9 Data East SS Recreation Tommy, The Who's (Data East, 1994) VP9 v1.2 Sun9 MOD

    Tommy, The Who's (Data East, 1994) VP9 v1.2 Sun9 MOD SunWizard, Kristian, El Condor, Mr White, Destruk IPD No. 2579
  18. L

    VP9 Data East SS Recreation Guns N' Roses (Data East, 1994) VP912 v1.0 MOD 2020-01-28

    Guns N' Roses (Data East, 1994) VP9.12 v1.0 MOD by Lord Hiryu and JPSalas and mod Cparedes IPD No. 1100 Special version for VP9 with the monitor rotated vertically. Info found in table, translated to english. Note from Xenonph: You will need to open this table in the editor, and click both...
  19. J

    VP8 Data East SS Recreation Guns N' Roses (Data East, 1994) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Guns N' Roses (Data East, 1994) VP8 v1.0 by Jamin IPD No. 1100 Rules:
  20. StevOz

    VP9 Williams SS Recreation Flintstones, The (Williams, 1994) VP9.90a v1.02 [NM LoadedWeapon-DT] 2020-01-28

    Flintstones, The (Williams, 1994) VP9.11 v1.02 [NM LoadedWeapon-DT] by JPSalas, LoadedWeapon, StevOz IPD No. 888 This is the adjusted desktop mod of Flintstones Night Mod 1.4 FS by LoadedWeapon. Many thanks to jpsalas for his original recreation and LoadedWeapon for his Night Mod. I decided I...
  21. D

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Recreation Hot Shot (Williams, 1994) VP8 v1.0 [basketball]

    Hot Shot (Williams, 1994) VP8 v1.0 by TAB, Destruk IPD No. 3160
  22. D

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Recreation Addams Family Values (Williams, 1994) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    TAB/Destruk Version:1 Williams 1994 Press 3, 4 or 5 to insert a quarter Press Plunger Key to drop the metal bar
  23. D

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Corvette (Bally, 1994) VP8 v3.2 2020-01-28

    Destruk/AJ/Pinball Ken, Version:3.2, Bally 1994, IPD No. 570
  24. J

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Demolition Man (Williams, 1994) VP8 v2.3 2020-01-28

    Jamin, Version:2.3, Williams 1994, IPD No. 662
  25. Not Registered

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Freddy A Nightmare On Elm Street (Gottlieb, 1994) VP8 by Pingod v5.4 Beta

    pingod, Version:5.4Beta, Gottlieb 1994, IPD No. 948 Note from Xenonph: This table needs a Pre-Initialized nvram file to accept coins. Download Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack and place contents of zip file in nvram folder, located in VPinMAME folder. Find Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram...
  26. D

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Flintstones (Williams, 1994) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Aurian, Version:1, Williams 1994, IPD No. 888
  27. D

    VP8 Data East SS Recreation Guns N' Roses (Data East, 1994) VP8 v1.2 2020-01-28

    Apoc/Sellenoff/PeBo, Version:1.2, Data East 1994, IPD No. 1100
  28. L

    VP8 Data East SS Recreation Guns N' Roses (Data East, 1994) VP8 v3.2 2020-01-28

    Lord Hiryu/JPSalas, Version:3.2, Data East 1994, IPD No. 1100
  29. D

    VP8 Data East SS Recreation Maverick (Data East, 1994) VP8 v0.4 Beta 2020-01-28

    Maverick_Beta_4 by Halftech, Destruk IPD No. 1561 Special Thanks to: Destruk, Mrhide, Subzero, and any one else who have contributed to this table. Beta 4 - Match adds a credit now. The Lauren Bell/Ball Lock forgets how many balls are in it between players - confirmed by a real owner - it is...
  30. D

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation Rescue 911 (Gottlieb, 1994) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Rescue_911 by Pingod, Destruk, Joep IPD No. 1951 Note from Xenonph: This table needs a Pre-Initialized nvram file to accept coins. Download Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack and place contents of zip file in nvram folder, located in VPinMAME folder. Find Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram...
  31. Not Registered

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation Popeye Saves the Earth (Bally, 1994) VP8 by Joep, Sean Palmer v3.1 2020-01-28

    Popeye Version 3.1 by Joep, Sean Palmer IPD No. 1851 Modified by: Sean Palmer(USA) Table by:Joep van de Velden(NL) Extra Wheel Scripting by: El Condor (ENG) Backdrop by:Nicky Special(SCO) Playfield toughup by: AJ(USA) Revision History:
  32. T

    VP8 SS Recreation Pin Ball, Sleic (Sleic, 1994) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Pin_Ball___Sleic by TAB IPD No. 4620 4:3 VPM Table - Emulation doesn't work
  33. J

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Road Show, Red & Ted's (Williams, 1994) VP8 v1.11

    Roadshow_Jamin_1_11 by Jamin IPD No. 1972
  34. kristian

    VP8 Data East SS Recreation Tommy Pinball Wizard, The Who's (Data East, 1994) VP8 v3.3

    Kristian, El Condor, Mr White, Destruk IPD No. 2579 Rules:
  35. kristian

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation The Shadow (Bally, 1994) VP8 v1.7 2020-01-28

    Biffman/mkruce/Pinball Ken/kristian/maf, Version:1.7, Bally 1994, IPD No. 2528
  36. D

    VP8 Bally SS Recreation World Cup Soccer (Bally, 1994) VP8 v1.1

    by Kid Charlemagne/Fuseball/wpcmame, Version:1.1, Bally 1994, IPD No. 2811
  37. D

    VP8 Gottlieb SS Recreation World Challenge Soccer (Gottlieb, 1994) VP8 v4.0

    Joep, Version:4.0, Gottlieb 1994, IPD No. 2808 Note from Xenonph: This table needs a Pre-Initialized nvram file to accept coins. Download Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack and place contents of zip file in nvram folder, located in VPinMAME folder. Find Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack...
  38. R

    VP8 Data East SS Recreation WWF Royal Rumble (Data East, 1994) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    by Rothmans Version:RC1, Data East Pinball 1994, IPD No. 2820
  39. D

    VP9 Data East SS Recreation Guns N' Roses (Data East, 1994) VP9 v1.2 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Apoc, Sellenoff, PeBo Version:1.2 Data East 1994 IPD No. 1100 ROM: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/gnr_300.1873/
  40. D

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation World Cup Soccer (Bally, 1994) VP9 v1.1 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Kid Charlemagne, Fuseball, wpcmame, 16:9 Conversion maintainer Destruk Version:1.1 Bally 1994 IPD No. 2811 Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/wcs_l2.2580/
  41. D

    VP9 Data East SS Recreation WWF Royal Rumble (Data East, 1994) VP9 v1.0 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Rothmans, 16:9 Conversion maintainer Destruk Version:RC1 Data East Pinball 1994 IPD No. 2820 Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/wwfr_103.2612/
  42. D

    VP9 Bally SS Recreation The Shadow (Bally, 1994) VP9 v1.6 [16-9] 2020-01-28

    Biffman/mkruce/Pinball Ken/kristian/maf Version:1.6 Bally 1994 IPD No. 2528 Rules: Rom: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/ts_lx5.2534/
  43. PacDude

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Red & Ted's Road Show (Williams, 1994) VP8 v1.52

    PacDude Version1.52 Williams 1994 IPD No. 1972 RULES:
  44. S

    VP9 Data East SS Recreation Tommy, The Who's (Data East, 1994) VP9

    I have been working on improvements to Tommy (Data East 1994) since its a table (and band, and movie) I like that hasn't been updated in a long time (since 2004). I have PMed Kristian and got the OK. There are others who worked on this table too, so I am posting it here first to get feedback...
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