arcade puzzle & board

  1. druadic

    VPX EM Flipperless Original Table ZEN (Original) VPX

    druadic submitted a new resource: ZEN - Version 1.1 for VPX - ZEN VPX Read more about this resource...
  2. druadic

    VPX EM Flipperless Recreation ZEN (Original) VPX v1.1

    ZEN (Original) VPX v1.1 Checked the game for play ability and fixed the EM Reel to work correctly for level loading. Everything works. Now playing at 1920x1080 dpi on screen. Place the file on your desktop and double click on it to play! 6/21/21: ZEN is currently being updated. Stay tuned...
  3. druadic

    VP9 Flipperless Recreation Zen (classic peg-jump) (Original) VP916 2020-01-28

    There's a variety of puzzle layouts to play, and instructions for creating your own. This is one of the nicest peg-jump games I've ever seen. --@Ike Savage
  4. 4

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Poker (Sircoma, 1979) VP8 2020-01-28

  5. 4

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation MasterMind (Invicta, 1971) VP8 2020-01-28

  6. rascal

    VP8 Bally EM Flipperless Recreation Sharpshooter (Bally, 1961) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Shooting Gallery with moving targets. Two player dime per game shooting gallery. Point and shoot styrene balls at moving squirrel and rabbit drop targets. Pop-up red fox sscore high points.
  7. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation VP-Man (Namco's "Pac-Man", 1980) VP8 by Apoc vB.05 2020-01-28

    A mock-up of Pac-man, by Apocalypse.
  8. patrick

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Shoot The Bear (Seaburg's Shooting Gallery, 1947) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    shootthebear2 Shoot the Bear gun game. By Patrick, tiltjlp, & Duglis Due to the popularity of this game, it was made by Seeburg from 1947 to 1949. The VP game includes a Ray-o-lite gun and animated bears. Updated by Duglis.
  9. wrenchien

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Ninja Gun (Kasko, 1970's) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    ninja_gun By wrenchien
  10. A

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Mouse Trap (Hasbro, 1963) VP8 vDEMO 2020-01-28

    By that legendary author, "Anonymous." No input keys or gameplay, but perhaps a starter kit for those who'd like to play around with the concept.
  11. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Games Breakthru (Atari's Breakout, 1976) VP8 by Apoc v1.0 2020-01-28

    breakthru1.0 By Apocalypse
  12. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Games Apoctopong (Atari's Pong, 1972) VP8 by Apoc v3.0 2020-01-28

    apoctopongv3.0 By Apocalypse
  13. Wizards_Hat

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Tic Tac Toe (Puzzle) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Tic_Tac_Toe_1.0 A simple Tic Tac Toe game - for 1 or 2 players. Use the number keys or keypad to control. Toggle sounds with "S"
  14. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation The Price is Right - Cliffhangers (TV Gameshow) VP8 by Douglas Roberts v1.2 2020-01-28

    Cliffhangers! by Douglas Roberts It's one of The Price is Right's favorite pricing games in Visual Pinball! Cliffhangers! Try to get as close to step 25 without going over to win $100,000 in virtual cash! Go over and lose your shirt! Press S to start game Press enter to start the randomizer...
  15. patrick

    VP8 EM Flipperless Recreation Smart Ball (1940's Japan) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    SmartBall by Patrick & tiltjlp A 5 ball antique Japanese game with multiballs of up to 20 balls at a time.
  16. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Games Sonic's Enigma (Taito's Bust-A-Move, 1994) VP8 by Scott Bermel 2020-01-28

    (background music here) GENERAL GAME RULES: A) Create groups of 3 or more gems of the same colour to POP them and score points. B) When you POP gems, any without a connection back to the top will drop and increase the BALL-VALUE as well as score points C) Clearing the playfield of all gems...
  17. C

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Games Pac-man (Namco, 1980) VP8 vb2 demo

    By Cold1 Impressive demo by a legend from long ago.
  18. C

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Ouija Board (Hasbro, 1901) VP8 vFinal 2020-01-28

    Ouija_Board_Final By Cold1 Note from Xenonph: Do not be surprised when your house becomes haunted after messing with the supernatural. USE AT OWN RISK!!
  19. bob

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Memory Zone Pipes (Milton Bradley's Simon, 1978) VP8 2020-01-28

    Memory_Zone_Pipes by Bob Based on Simon game. Press the keys that match the dropping pipes. Dedicated to Fred Rogers.
  20. P

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Games Laser Chess 010 (Mike Duppong, 1987) VP8 v0.10 2020-01-28

    LaserChess010 1987 PC Game Remake
  21. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Girl Next Door (4 tables) (Bandai's Tamagotchi, 1996) VP8 v3.0 2020-01-28

    Girl Next Door by Patrick and Tiltjlp Life simulation, working like a tamagotchi, but including cartoon texts, animations, clips and pinball games. You adopt a baby girl abandoned on a pinball. She asks you questions like in a cartoon. You answer by hiting the targets of a pinball and the...
  22. druadic

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Flip It! (sliding block puzzle by Noyes Chapman, 1880) VP8 vE 2020-01-28

    Flip_It! by Druadic A CLASSIC puzzle game from the 70's and 80's makes a comeback! Remember holding that little sliding puzzle in your hands and wishing to hell you could finish it? Choose numbers or letters, then shuffle the tiles as many times as you wish and have fun! (version E) - under...
  23. druadic

    VP9 Flipperless Recreation Flip It! (sliding block puzzle by Noyes Chapman, 1880) VP9 v1.0 2020-01-28

    FlipItVP9 Updated to work in VP9. Best viewed in 1024x768 dpi.
  24. druadic

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Face-to-Face (classic puzzle) VP8 v1.0a 2020-01-28

    face_to_face Face To Face - NEW!!! (Author's FAVORITE!) By druadic One heck of a fun puzzle game that requires the player to place lettered tiles with numbers to fit one way into the game board. With FOUR difficulty settings, you'll find that Face To Face is a game that will keep you coming...
  25. druadic

    VP9 SS Flipperless Recreation Face-to-Face (classic puzzle) VP9 v1.0 2020-01-28

    F2FVP9 Updated Face To Face to work in VP9. Plays best at 1024x768 dpi.
  26. P

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Connect Four (Milton Bradley, 1974) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Plays an admirable game in single player mode!
  27. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Games Chicken Shift (1984, Bally) VP8 by Bad_CRC vB1 2020-01-28

    Chicken_Shift_(1984_Bally) by Bad_CRC
  28. Not Registered

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Video Games 7 of 9-ball (Atari's Breakout, 1976) VP8 by Apoc v3.0 Final 2020-01-28

    7 of 9-ball (Atari's Breakout, 1976) VP8 by Apoc
  29. P

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation The Cubist (Puzzle) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

  30. jpsalas

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Silver Line (Bill Port, 1970's, Spain) VP8 v1.01 JP 2020-01-28

    Silver_Line_JP_1.01 Thanks to Paturlas for the photos. Update 1.01 includes a bug fix and some English text. v1.0 Made in October 2008 A Bill Port machine build in or for Spain. Unknown year, but it was one of the first machines in which you could earn money. The game was easy: insert coin...
  31. Not Registered

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation South Park Poker (Arcade) VP8 by Aussie34 v1.1 2020-01-28

    SouthParkPoker By Aussie34
  32. BJ

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Finagle 5000 ("Finarkle" dice game) VP8 vBy BJ 2020-01-28

    By BJ Points scored: 1's = 100 5's = 50 3 of a kind = face value x 100 Having all 6 dice showing as points = 500 bonus On a "regular turn", a player can roll dice as long as points are scored. Those dice that are shown as points are "frozen" while the player has the option of rolling the...
  33. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Draw Poker (Arcade) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Drawpoker By Patrick Draw poker. Classic casino video slot machine by Sigma. Play hi lo double and jacks or better.
  34. druadic

    VP9 SS Flipperless Recreation Face To Face VP9

    Updated from VP6 to VP9. Best viewed in 1024x768 dpi.
  35. druadic

    VP9 Flipperless Recreation Flip It! VP9

    Updated from VP6 to play in VP9. Best played in 1024x768 dpi.
  36. druadic

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Face 2 Face VP8

    Is anyone interested in an update to this? Reason I ask is that I would like to have a mouse driven interface that allows you to point and click the boxes left or right. Perhaps even "drag and drop" via the mouse??? I'd also like to redo ALL the graphics. Animate the boxes. Who knows; this...
  37. rascal

    VP8 Bally EM Flipperless Recreation Sharpshooter (Bally, 1961) VP8

    1961 Bally Sharpshooter A shooting gallery with moving targets. Happy Holidays to everybody! :D
  38. tiltjlp

    VP8 EM Flipperless Recreation SmartBall is released

    Patrick & tiltjlp offer for your enjoyment, an antique Japanese SmartBall game. The game gives you 5 balls to begin, and as you launch them, any that enter 1 of 10 scoring pockets will trigger a multiball event. You can adjust your multiball events to have from 5 to 20 balls, with 10 being...
  39. tiltjlp

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Girl Next Door RPG/Pinball Released

    Patrick & tiltjlp have released an exciting new game style for VP. Girl Next Door is a life simulation, working like a tamagotchi, but including cartoon texts, animations, clips and pinball games. You adopt a baby girl abandoned on a pinball. She asks you questions like in a cartoon. You...
  40. tiltjlp

    VP8 SS Flipperless Recreation Shoot The Bear updated

    VPs beloved Mr Retirement, Duglis, has helped Patrick & titljlp update Shoot The Bear. A 20 shot, 30 bear game. The updated features include High Score support, gun aiming with the arrow keys, slower moving bears, and new arcade sounds. Take aim on this fun game from the late 40s in the Pinball...
  41. tiltjlp

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation BJ's Been At It Again!

    With BJ's permission, I am annoucing the release of his latest original game, Finagle 5000. A novelty table possibly inspired by Yahtzee, you'll find it at TMOF, on both the VP Tables and Novelty pages. Finagle 500 is a quick and extremely fun game. SS below. John
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