
  1. shiva

    Bally SS Recreation FP Playboy xse (Bally, 1978) v1.3

    Playboy xse (Bally, 1978) v1.3 IPD No. 1823 NOTE: This is a re-release of version 1.3 of Playboy xse. This table was released on Feb 2015, and does not require BAM. Still, this is one of the nicest playing tables even now. This version instead used Slamtilts version 2.5 of the FP exe, but BAM...
  2. shiva

    SS Original Table BAM FP Jungle Girl (Original) fpx (Preview Release) rc1

    Been a long time since I have done one of these solo. I love the classic Bally tables. They were the perfect definition of "easy to learn, fun to play, hard to master" as quoted by Harry Williams. When I decided to do this table, I thought about how much I wanted to pay tribute to those great...
  3. shiva

    Bally SS Recreation BAM FP Star Trek xse (Bally, 1979) xse v1.3

    IPD No. 2355 A old one, but a good one, released a few years ago, Star Trek xse. Version 1.3, this features updates to the flippers (version 2) new physics and game play, and some special additions including a new lens and bulb effect with ball interaction, better backglass etc This is done by...
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      B @ BrocPlaysPin: watching a twitch pinball FX stream rn