exhibit supply co.

  1. FranciscoPozo

    EM Flipperless Recreation FP Action (Exhibit Supply Co, 1943)

    FranciscoPozo submitted a new resource: Action - WWIITheme Real Pinball Flipperless Recreation. Read more about this resource...
  2. FranciscoPozo

    EM Flipperless Recreation FP Action (Exhibit Supply Co, 1943) v1.0

    Action / IPD No. 3839 / April, 1943 / 1 Player Manufacturer: Exhibit Supply Company, of Chicago, Illinois, USA (1932-1957) [Trade Name: ESCO] Date Of Manufacture: April, 1943 Type: Electro-mechanical (EM) Serial Number Database: View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database...
  3. romolo2002

    VP9 EM Flipperless Recreation Merry-Go-Round (Exhibit Supply Co, 1940) VP995

    romolo2002 submitted a new resource: Merry-Go-Round (Exhibit Supply Co 1940) - Mechanical carousel on playfield for a carnival atmosphere! Read more about this resource...
  4. romolo2002

    VP9 EM Flipperless Recreation Merry-Go-Round (Exhibit Supply Co, 1940) VP995 2021-11-10

    Recreation in Vp 9.9.5 of "Merry-Go-Round (Exhibit Supply Co 1940)". Merry-Go-Round / IPD No. 1579 / May, 1940 / 1 Player This table is free to be edited/modded/published.
  5. FranciscoPozo

    EM Flipperless Recreation FP Big Hit (Exhibit, 1946)

    FranciscoPozo submitted a new resource: Big Hit (Exhibit 1946) - EMReal Flipperless Pinball Recreation, Stationary Flippers. Read more about this resource...
  6. FranciscoPozo

    EM Flipperless Recreation FP Big Hit (Exhibit, 1946) v1.0

    Big Hit (Exhibit, 1946) v1.0 IPD No. 251 Manufacturer: Exhibit Supply Company, of Chicago, Illinois, USA (1932-1957) [Trade Name: ESCO] Date Of Manufacture: February, 1946 Type: Electro-mechanical (EM) Serial Number Database: View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database...
  7. druadic

    VPX EM Flipperless Recreation Bonanza (Exhibit Supply Co., 1935) v1.4a

    Bonanza (Exhibit Supply Co., 1935) VPX v1.4a IPD No. 344 Version 1.4 for VPX. Updated the plunger, added a few tweaks and added the VPX sounds. Enjoy.
  8. druadic

    VPX EM Flipperless Recreation Bonanza (Exhibit Supply Co., 1935)

    Version 1.4 for VPX. Updated the plunger, added a few tweaks and added the VPX sounds. Enjoy. DOWNLOAD HERE: http://www.pinballnirvana.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=5534
  9. romolo2002

    VP8 EM Flipperless Recreation Circus (Exhibit Supply Co., 1948) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Circus (Exhibit Supply Co. 1948) IPD No. 522
  10. Not Registered

    VP8 EM Recreation Shantytown (Exhibit Supply Co., 1949) VP8 by Philbert v2.1 2020-01-28

    Shantytown 1949 Exhibit by Philbert IPD No. 2111
  11. druadic

    VP9 EM Flipperless Recreation Contact (Exhibit Supply, 1939) VP9 v2.0 2020-01-28

    ContactVP9 1939 Exhibit Supply Co. By druadic IPD No. 3071 Contact, 1939 by Exhibit Supply Company for Visual Pinball 9. Added high score save, "purge"/delete high score, fixed some of the backglass problems. This was the FIRST pin machine to use backbox animation!
  12. druadic

    VP9 EM Flipperless Recreation Bonanza (Exhibit Supply, 1935) VP9 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Bonanza 1935 Exhibit Supply Co. By druadic IPD No. 344 A SINGLE BALL PAYOUT that was quite a simple but fun machine. Bonanza was a full sized pin machine that was much harder than it looked. This payout machine is just as much fun as Mammoth, Target or Silver Streak! (version A) - under 650kb...
  13. druadic

    VP8 EM Flipperless Recreation Live Power (Exhibit Supply, 1942) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    livepower 1934 Dudley-Clark Co. By druadic IPD No. 3215
  14. R

    VP8 EM Flipperless Recreation Golden Gate (Exhibit Supply, 1934) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    goldengate 1934 Exhibit Supply Co. By Redswal IPD No. 1048
  15. Not Registered

    VP8 EM Flipperless Recreation Big Hit (Exhibit Supply, 1946) VP8 by Ash vBeta1 2020-01-28

    1946 Exhibit Supply Co. by Ash IPD No. 251
  16. druadic

    VP8 EM Flipperless Recreation Golden Gate (Exhibit Supply Co., 1934) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Golden Gate by Druadic IPD No. 1048 Golden Gate is a tough challenge made in 1934 by Exhibit Supply, and shows even after 70 years, the old masters were very good at building pinball machines.
  17. druadic

    VP8 EM Flipperless Recreation Gateway (Exhibit Supply Co., 1935) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    GatewayVP6L IPD No. 6302 Note from Xenonph: This table needs to be played using VP6. The display is messed up when using VP8. Find VP6.exe here.. https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/visual-pinball-6-old-no-expire-and-visual-pinball-6-1-update-expired.3564/ If you have display problems...
  18. druadic

    VP9 EM Flipperless Recreation Contact, 1939 by Exhibit Supply Co. for VP9!

    Contact, 1939 by Exhibit Supply Company for Visual Pinball 9. Added high score save, "purge"/delete high score, fixed a few backglass problems. Have fun!
  19. druadic

    VP9 EM Flipperless Recreation Bonanza (Exhibit Supply, 1935) VP9

    Bonanza, 1935 by Exhibit Supply Company for Visual Pinball 9! ONE BALL PAYOUT machine. Fully functional and working! Have fun! https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/index.php?resources/bonanza-1935-exhibit-supply.3943/
  20. tiltjlp

    VP8 EM Flipperless Recreation New table released by Druadic

    Will has given me permission to release Golden Gate, a 1934 pin made by Exhibit Supply. While Duradic won't be returning to VP for at least another 18 months, he wanted to give his fans an early Christmas present. As always, Golden Gate has just extra features, such as adjustable slope, tilting...
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