
  1. xenonph

    VPX Williams SS Recreation Joust (Williams, 1983) MOD

    xenonph submitted a new resource: Joust (Williams, 1983) MOD - This is a head-to-head game! Read more about this resource...
  2. xenonph

    VPX Williams SS Recreation Joust (Williams, 1983) MOD v1.0

    Joust (Williams 1983) MOD v1.0 IPD No. 1316 Original Table and Backglass by Dark, Randr LUT Option added by Xenonph Toggle LUT's by pressing Buy-In key. (2 key) Dark and Randr deserve all the credit for this masterpiece. Huge thanks to them for sharing this treasure, and to all who had a...
  3. Gimli

    Williams SS Flipperless Recreation BAM FP Rat Race (Williams, 1983)

    Gimli submitted a new resource: Williams Rat Race 1983 - using BAM to Recreate and update Williams Rat Race for desktop, cabinet and VR Read more about this resource...
  4. Gimli

    Williams SS Flipperless Recreation BAM FP Rat Race (Williams, 1983) v1.0

    Rat Race Version 1 by Wild and Gimli Thanks to Ravarcade for BAM ! IPD No. 3718 Wild created the table build and some of the coding( lighting and sounds) for this table more than a year ago. I coded the game play and the mechanics of the tilting table. I added some music ( from Crash...
  5. Isaac Sauvage

    VP8 EM SS Recreation A roundup of PN's head-to-head game collections

    The IPDB lists 31 historical games designed for head-to-head play: https://www.ipdb.org/search.pl?specialty=24&sortby=name&searchtype=advanced At least seven of those have been re-created, and are hosted here: Tabletop Hockey (Munro, 1932-'33) Soccer table (foosball) (1952 Bonzini) Calcio...
  6. Isaac Sauvage

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Recreation Rat Race (Williams, 1983) VP8

    I'd say this is worthy of a release thread, since I don't believe it ever got posted to PN before. Originally this was released on the late, great VPForums.Com in 2005 by the team of TomB, Gaston, and Destruk. Rat Race 1.0 (Williams, 1983) - Rat Race Williams Read more about this resource...
  7. D

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Recreation Rat Race (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.0

    Rat Race (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.0 IPD No. 3718 Pretty amazing table, heavily inspired by the classic wooden tilting maze games. Also one of those fairly rare, solid state, non-redemption flipperless games. Unfortunately it never went in to production, but thankfully, we have VP. This...
  8. romolo2002

    VP9 EM Recreation BICAR (Imem, of Salerno, Italy, 1970) VP995

    romolo2002 submitted a new resource: BICAR (Imem, of Salerno, Italy 1970) - BICAR Read more about this resource...
  9. romolo2002

    VP9 EM Recreation BICAR (Imem, of Salerno, Italy, 1970) VP995 v1.0

    BICAR (Imem, of Salerno, Italy, 1970) VP9.95 v1.0 IPD No. 6210 Recreation in Vp 9.9.5 of "BICAR (Imem, of Salerno, Italy 1970)
  10. Freezezzy

    VP8 SS Original Table Head to Head Pinball (Original) VP8 v1.0p 2020-03-31

    Another cool concept by Jeff Block.
  11. P

    new videogame -> Pinball Versus - head-to-head for 2 players (PC and Android)

    Hello guys, I'm Gonzalo from PinballBox and I want to present my new game: Pinball Versus you can get it for Android here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.BuenaOnda.PinballVersus get it for PC here: https://pinballbox.itch.io/pinballversus and here's a video Pinball Versus -...
  12. K

    VP8 EM Original Table Saddle-up! (Original) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

  13. Freezezzy

    VP8 SS Original Table AntiGrav Pinball (Original) VP8 v1.6 2020-01-28

    While it's difficult to pick any one Jeff Block table as representative of @Freezezzy's total body of work, I like the way this game turns VP on its head, so to speak, by removing gravity and creating a four-player, eight-flippered experience. This might not be the most landbreaking game ever...
  14. Freezezzy

    VP8 SS Original Table Vertigo (Original) VP8 v1.0p

    VertigoV1.0p by Jeff Block Another zero gravity table, this time with identical playfields.
  15. Not Registered

    VP8 Original Table Kickoff 2 (Original) VP8 by Erik Boman v1.0 2020-01-28

    Kickoff2_1.0 by Erik Boman
  16. Freezezzy

    VP8 Flipperless Original Table NASBAL Slot Car Racing (Original) VP8 v1.01p

    by Jeff Block One to four players may participate in a slot car race. Choose your number of laps, your "car", and away you go. A fun little multiplayer game that will test your reactions and endurance! When a player's ball reaches the end of a segment, they must hit their "continue button"...
  17. druadic

    VP8 Original Table Pin-Air-Hockey (Original) VP8 vGamma 2020-01-28

    By druadic This is a pretty darn effective version of flippered air hockey you can play against the computer! The author (druadic) suggests himself that this table would make the basis of a more articulated version, and he kindly grants those rights in the table info. Enjoy. [notes by Ike...
  18. Not Registered

    VP8 Original Table Pin Hockey (Original) VP8 by Ken Miller (project table)

    Pin Hockey (Original) VP8 (project table) by Ken Miller For some reason the author didn't use any imagery, but you can add in the attachments to help dress up the game. Note this can be played in VP8 (and maybe later VP versions), except that the keys default to the standard 'shift & nudge'...
  19. A

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Air Hockey (Toy) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    2-player air hockey. Unknown author.
  20. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Hasbro Basketball (Hasbro, 1950) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Hasbrobasket Want to play basketball at work? Dont be afraid by your manager. Just press 9 and the game launches Excel before he comes. Then quit excel and continue to play. Have fun. The first pinball that hides himself and launches Excel! By Patrick
  21. patrick

    VP8 Original Table Paris 2005 (Original) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    By Patrick - Updated to V2 from Paris2004 to Paris2005. Players are visible and unvisible flippers, with songs from the "Parc des Princes of Paris". Quite a clever, two-player soccer game! What makes this really interesting is that a player's flippers will jump around the screen, tracking the...
  22. Not Registered

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Tabletop Hockey (Munro, 1932-'33) VP8 by Freewheel (VP author) v1.0 2020-01-28

    The earliest type of these mechanical hockey games was built by Donald H. Munro, Sr. in his Toronto home in 1932-33. Made of wood and scrap metal found in his neighborhood, Munro built his first game as a Christmas present for his children at a time when he could not afford to buy gifts. Soon...
  23. patrick

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Soccer table (foosball) (Bonzini, 1952) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    This is a fun, cleverly-made, two-player table-soccer game! I.e., "foosball" for American audiences. Note: you might want to go in to the script to reconfigure the keys to your liking. (text by @Ike Savage)
  24. rascal

    VP8 Flipperless Recreation Future Foosball (Sports) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    by Rascal A real working foosball game. You've got to play it to believe it!
  25. Freezezzy

    VP8 SS Original Table Block's Basketball (Original) VP8 v1.2p

    BlocksBasketballv12p By Jeff Block Interesting game inspired by a boyhood game.
  26. patrick

    VP8 EM Recreation Calcio Italia (Italian soccer) (Benedetti & Fagioli, 1967) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    calcioitalia 1967 Soc elettrogiochi de Benedetti & Fagioli By Patrick (Liberty) IPD No. 4070
  27. D

    VP8 Williams SS Flipperless Recreation Rat Race (Williams, 1983) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Rat_Race by TomB, Gaston, Destruk IPD No. 3718 Rules: FLYERS: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/media/rat-race-williams-1983-front.8493/ https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/media/rat-race-williams-1983-p2.8492/ https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/media/rat-race-williams-1983-p3.8491/
  28. T

    VP8 SS Recreation Soccer Ball, A.G. (Alvin G., 1991) VP8 v1.0 2020-01-28

    Soccer Ball, A.G. (Alvin G., 1991) VP8 v1.0 by Destruk, TAB IPD No. 120
  29. D

    VP8 SS Recreation U.S.A. Football (Alvin G., 1992) VP8 v1.0

    IPD No. 2710 Notes: Player two uses the standard left and right arrow keys, i.e. "KeyJoyLeft" and "KeyJoyRight" - in vpmkeys.vbs those are keycodes 203 and 205.
  30. D

    VP8 Williams SS Recreation Joust (Williams, 1983) VP8 v2.0 2020-01-28

    by Destruk, Apocalypse IPD No. 1316 A rare two-player, head-to-head game. After loading the game the first time, reset it once (F3 key) to go in to play mode. Get the ROM here. Notes: This particular table seems to have been remade only one other time, in standard (non head-to-head)...
  31. Shockman

    Joust style head to head play

    I was over at VPF today and saw a thread about Joust ("Joust again" I think it is called), and someone was saying "too bad VP don't do head to head well. Well I thought, why wouldn't it? it does about everything else and confirmed in a few minutes that indeed it does. here is an almost default...
  32. tiltjlp

    VP8 Flipperless Original Table NasBall Slot Cars is released

    Jeff Block has released another innovative and creative table, a slot car race game of sorts. I look forward to Jeff's tables, just to see what new idea he's come up with. And at long last he even uploaded it here, which is a first. Niw if I can get him to start his own release threads I'll have...
  33. tiltjlp

    VP8 SS Original Table Added three Jeff Block tables

    Author Jeff Block has given us to host some of his tables. I have just added Block's Basketball to the Sports Theme section, and AntiGrav Pinball to the Arcade and Video setion. While both are flippered, they are both excellent, challenging games. Block's Basketball allows you to choose the...
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