
  1. Paolo

    Williams EM Recreation BAM FP Stardust (Williams, 1971) (Optimal Physics) (FizX 3.3)

    Paolo submitted a new resource: Stardust (Williams 1971) (Optimal Physics) (FizX 3.3) - This table has two physics versions!! Read more about this resource...
  2. Paolo

    Williams EM Recreation BAM FP Stardust (Williams, 1971) (Optimal Physics) (FizX 3.3) 2.0

    Ok, I decided to re-publish this table, I won't say much, just that in this release there are two versions. Why two versions about physics?? well.... because the world is beautiful and varied, not all of us are the same, and "I am" one of those who is not easily satisfied, so there is something...
  3. Paolo

    BAM FP Real Plunger For Future Pinball!!

    Bene!! I created this mode(in memory of a friend), the Fp plunger is not really real, you pull the plunger and pull it all at once, you can only adjust the strength in the editor just for that shot, now it is possible to have (for now, but adjustable) 5 types(it's 50%) of strength for shot. I...
  4. Paolo

    Code/Example BAM Hit Ball vs Ball Sound

    Here is another "spell" from Rav, I asked him if it was possible, and he did it.Many thanks @ravarcade You could like this function a lot (to me for sure), especially in multiball, or if there is a blocked or closed ball (captivekicker.CreateCaptiveBall) that if you push to hit an unreachable...
  5. Paolo

    BAM Slingshot's (another way)

    Ok,we all know that the 2 left / right slingshot, are two systems created mostly to throw the ball out, i mean, the direction they push the ball is 80% line out,especially if you reconstruct a real table, and follow the original positions of the slingshots. Now.... we can adjust them in the...
  6. Paolo

    Support File FP MilkShape 3D

    Paolo submitted a new resource: MilkShape 3D - Program 3d modeling(in connection with FPM Editor for FP) Read more about this resource...
  7. Paolo

    Support File FP MilkShape 3D 1.8.5 Beta 1

    BENE!!! this is the 3D modeling program, related with FPM Editor for FP, it is not easy but not difficult to use it, just understand the various commands.(for native English speakers it should be easy) I continue to use it for years, I have learned it, but not completely, so for those who want...
  8. Paolo

    Support File FP Dinput8 (dll for manual roller ball to FP) 5.3

    Put the dll in your FP folder and then follow this setup
  9. Paolo

    Support File FP Dinput8 (dll for manual roller ball to FP)

    Paolo submitted a new resource: Dinput8 (dll for manual roller ball to FP) - DLL for manual roller ball to FP Read more about this resource...
  10. Paolo

    Support File FP FPM Editor for FP 1.9_v1.0.2 v1.0.2

    Ok,I don't know if this resource has already been inserted, this is FP's 3d components import/export program via MilkShape3d (ms3d),for those wishing to know more how to use it I can help with explanations. I will be inserting the milkshape program shortly.
  11. Paolo

    Support File FP FPM Editor for FP 1.9

    Paolo submitted a new resource: FPM Editor for FP 1.9_v1.0.2 - Program to import and export 3d components of FP Read more about this resource...
  12. Paolo

    BAM FP Paolo (wild) table's...." demonstration and to bam update"

    Ok,I am in the 10% of authors who are still "almost" active in the world of Fp / Bam, and therefore I ask not to include my tables in FP PinSimDB Archive. So every now and then I update some of my tables in Bam, and I show it here in this thread, until then I decide to publish it myself. This...
  13. Paolo

    BAM Standard Dynamic Flipper "report"

    Hi all!! Please,I hope this thread is not interpreted as an affront or a competition towards Fizx ...!!! Only my clarification, SDFv1, SDFv2, and a hypothetical SDFv3, are only my visions. I unfortunately cannot understand certain codes(maybe one day I will understand:bonk:), so I go for a...
  14. Paolo

    WIP Recreation Tutorial Help BAM FP Schuss (Rally 1968) "Slingshot and Bumpers mode"

    Hi to All!! Bene!!....I don't know how many of you know the "Rally" tables, thanks again to @jpsalas , who created this table for vpx HERE, I decided to reproduce it in FP, but for now I don't want to talk about this table, but about the system I have created for the Slingshot. The...
  15. Paolo

    WIP Recreation BAM FP Hustler (LTD do Brasil 1980)

    Thanks to JPsalas and Carlos Guizzo for the VPX version, I recreated this table gem for FP, with some variations,including: *Real Multiplayer for this 2-player table,watch carefully how the conditions (drop-targets and lights) left by the previous player are restored. *Music from a favorite...
  16. Paolo

    Tutorial BAM How Creating Custom Model of and with Bam(in TGA way)!!

    Bene!! a few days ago I received from a friend of mine a GT 430, I know it is always a very low graphics card, compared to my GT 220 I took a small step forward in terms of driver...I solved the problem of "black textures" that I saw and have before in a "custom model of bam" is this is great...
  17. Paolo

    WIP Recreation Video Games BAM FP Space Cadet 3D v3.0

    Okay, Space Cadet 3.0.
  18. Paolo

    Tutorial Physics/XML Smoke..... ideas and concept for physics!

    I decided to insert the whole @smoke thread dedicated to physics, here in PN, I don't know how long will last .... and unfortunately with the risk of losing several threads. For the moment, one of my topics recently covered is a greater understanding of physics, I have my...
  19. Paolo

    Prefix Questions

    Hi everyone, I noticed a change in the of resources, in terms of prefixes....surely there was a discussion about this, as I understand now it seems, to be very useful to use many prefixes, for a single table. I noticed it also on my tables, very well, but I cannot but say it, that some time ago...
  20. Paolo

    WIP Original Table BAM FP Dragon Ball Pinball

    This project is underdeveloped yet!!
  21. Paolo

    Tutorial BAM TGA for "Shadow-maps"

    Ok,many people, still do not know that there is the possibility, to load "shadow-maps" in TGA. In this way, you avoid waiting for the long loading of a table, and in the greater probability even a crash of Fp. After creating your "shadow -maps" as below (an example) your script. You,go...
  22. Paolo

    Tutorial Physics/XML "XML" Arguments and Explanations

    Hi....everyone!!! I probably won't be the man for this task, but I can be the man to start this one. Lately I am busy solving "what I call" sudden feeling of slowness in the gameplay of my tables, so to try to solve this problem, I have to play with the XML file,and improve physics. Now ...
  23. Paolo

    willow pinball(wip in abandonment)

    forced for reasons of non-constructive debate !!
  24. Paolo

    Physics/XML BAM About physics ......For a better gameplay!

    Hello everyone...... Okay, this is probably a topic discussed many and many times, but sometimes things happen that a person, who cannot explain certain situations. Now, I don't know if the fact that I have not always installed every release of Bam, but only replaced, from version 290, up to...
  25. Paolo

    BAM Ball Trail

    Ok, Ball Trail, what is it???? Is a function that Rav, created a long time ago, on Gopinball it is now really difficult to find the appropriate section. This function creates a luminous tail on the ball, which can be adjusted both in intensity and in color, originally this function could only...
  26. Paolo

    Code/Example Tutorial BAM Flipper Bounce Sound (inside the "Dynamic Flippers") for better execution.

    Well, thanks to our friend, @NitroNimbus , who reminded me and suggested this. I honestly talked and shared of this,on Dragon keep Here, but didn't open a suitable thread, so here it is: Copy this code and paste it under the one of the "Dynamic Flippers" because that's where it belongs.....and...
  27. Paolo

    Code/Example BAM New Feature ShadowColor fins (flippers)

    Here is a new feature that Rav ... did, for now it's only for fins, but maybe it could also be applicable on lights ... who knows!!!
  28. Gimli

    Tutorial How to Code Zipper Flippers and Migrating Flippers

    @wild @TerryRed @ravarcade @shiva @Ike Savage @NitroNimbus @GeorgeH @polygame @madmrmax @ULTIMATE Pro Pinball @AnonTet I was just going through the process of zipper flippers with Wild. We used this for the first time ever in Nip it. As BAM progresses the process for Zipper Flippers can be...
  29. Paolo

    I do not remember

    I do not remember
  30. Paolo

    batman 66 original (wip in abandonment)

    forced for reasons of non-constructive debate !!
  31. Paolo

    Tutorial FP About Multiplayer.......

    Ok,speaking of multiplayer, I learned a lot doing the last "Circus" tables and "World-Cup 1978". Almost all (at least I think) we know that in FP multiplayer is not "real" but "false"....I mean to be clearer..... we can say that it is not available in the true form, as we can imagine it. In a...
  32. Paolo

    I do not remember

  33. Paolo

    FP In Memory of Gianfranco (franzleo)

    I myself Paolo (wild) in memory of Gianfranco, who unfortunately died last year due to a bad illness, I decided to insert his tables in this "Thread", to remember and share his tables. Gianfranco, he also had an account here on PN, I didn't know it ...... and so I don't know how many people...
  34. Paolo

    I do not remember

    I do not remember
  35. Paolo

    dragons keep(wip in abandonment)

    forced for reasons of non-constructive debate !!
  36. Paolo

    diamond lady(wip in abandonment)

    forced for reasons of non-constructive debate !!
  37. Paolo

    Help Spinner in FP questions

    Hi to all. I don't know if this has ever been discussed before ,I've never paid much attention to it, but since I started playing with MJ, VPX.I noticed it VPX, manages to count the number of laps a spinner makes, and therefore amount the exact score when hit by the ball ... now there are...
  38. DavidVanScouten

    Help Set and save individual camera views for each table?

    Hello community, I have installed FP+BAM for some time now and also watched Terry Red's " Play" video. Since BAM is so extensive, I would like to know if it is possible to set individual camera views for each table immediately after starting the table. The default views are...
  39. Paolo

    I do not remember

    I do not remember
  40. Paolo

    Code/Example Codes and examples of codes to use in BAM

    This code must be inserted directly in the script of FP .... the external file is no longer needed to work (thanks to Gimli) '------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Smoke's Ball Rolling Sounds '------------------------------------------------------------------...
  41. Paolo

    BAM Demonstrate how you are all using BAM on your tables

    Hi everyone..... Here, we can insert a demonstration of tables, wiht the he various "Bam functions and commands", to give an idea of what it can do. Here is the first example, a video.... which could sometimes be a better way to understand The first innovation that Bam allows, the...
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