
  1. SpacePirateScott

    FP SPS Color Sequencer. Now with 100% more ducks!!!!

    Brightness 'ducking' is when the lights are temporarily dimmed to make another light look brighter. This is usually done when using flashers to simulate their real life brightness. The idea is simulate when pupil shrinks (constricts) when looking a bright light, or the auto exposure on a...
  2. Wecoc

    Support File FP SLSeq: Enhancing and customizing the default Light Sequencer with code

    Script Light Sequencer (SLSeq) is a Future Pinball Script that recreates the default Light Sequencer, but on an open source and customizable VBScript code. The script is not meant to overwrite the default Sequencer, but to use it side by side when the default one falls short. They're therefore...
  3. Wecoc

    Tutorial FP Wecoc's collection of script snippets

    Future Pinball's Manual is great for scripters, since it gives detailed info on which functions you have available for your table objects. That being said, it doesn't showcase all the options, and that means there are some things you can do on your tables that probably many scripters don't know...
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