Ask away


PN co-founder
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
Favorite Pinball Machine
Flying Trapeze 1934
My idea in creating this thread was for fans to ask about their favorite tables, or to voice appreciation to an author. Or maybe suggest a table or theme. While this isn't intended for bug reports, how you use it is up to you.

Question for Will

Have you and Pinman, Steve, started discussing, or better yet, working on your joint Flipperless effort? I can't think of a better partnership, I can honestly say you are my two favorite authors.

Re: Question for Will

tiltjlp said:
Have you and Pinman, Steve, started discussing, or better yet, working on your joint Flipperless effort? I can't think of a better partnership, I can honestly say you are my two favorite authors.



It will be a little time before we start anything actually. More than likely it will be one flippered and one flipperless. Who knows; we're going to sort out options available to us and let our creativity soar.

We'll have to wait and see.


VPinMame ? :s
Is this the right place ? For this input ?
Re: VPinMame

brutus said:
VPinMame ? :s
Is this the right place ? For this input ?


I don't know how many folks here are VPM authors but ask away. More than likely I can find the answer for you if need be or I can find the author and ask for you.

Since John is gone folks I'll do my best to fill his shoes until he returns; if he does.

Will / druadic
Re: VPinMame

druadic said:
brutus said:
VPinMame ? :s
Is this the right place ? For this input ?


I don't know how many folks here are VPM authors but ask away. More than likely I can find the answer for you if need be or I can find the author and ask for you.

Since John is gone folks I'll do my best to fill his shoes until he returns; if he does.

Will / druadic

What i mean is this an authors way to chat or a users way to compliment.
Shiva messed it up,i hope to do better here.
PacDude does great stuff. :D

What this area of the forum is really for is for folks who want to ask questions about things authors scripted or made with their tables that's all. It's a place for newbies and others to get questions about how to do things using VP and VPM.

Will / druadic
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