well, maybe you can make an exception.
you are the only one still active in VP9
5.8 Spinner
Colors & Formatting:
Front – (drop-down selection) – choose an image from any loaded
into VP via the image manager.
Back Image – (drop-down selection) – choose an image from any
loaded into VP via the image manager.
Color – click to open up a color dialog box, select the color for the
front & back of the spinner if no image selected.
Casts Shadow – toggles whether a shadow of the spinner at rest is
shown (i.e. shadow does not follow movement of the spinner);
provided Render Shadows is selected in table options.
Supports – toggles whether the side supports of the spinner are
Visible – toggles whether the spinner front and back are rendered in
the VP player; overwrites any image or color setting. Shadows are
cast regardless of this setting if selected to be cast (see above).
Animations Frames – as the spinner rotates through 360o, the
angles shown are determined by (360o)/(number of animation
frames). The default value of 0 shows the maximum number of
X – sets the horizontal position of the center of the spinner on the playfield.
Y – sets the vertical position of the center of the spinner on the playfield.
Length – sets the length of the spinner faces (does not include supports).
Height – sets the height of the spinner faces (does not include supports).
Rotation – sets the angle of the spinner in relation to the x-axis of the playfield.
Overhang – sets the distance of the support legs from the edges of the spinner face.
Supports – toggles whether the side supports of the spinner are rendered.
Angle Max – sets the maximum angle the spinner will rotate through
Angle Min – sets the minimum angle the spinner will rotate through, although this
only has an apparent effect if the Angle Min is larger than the Angle Max.
Elasticity – sets how elastic a collision with the ball will be. Setting of 1 represents a
perfectly elastic collision (no loss of kinetic energy during collision). Settings above
1 cause the ball to gain energy in a collision with the spinner.
Surface – (drop-down selection) sets the surface on which the spinner sits. Selections
include wall and ramp objects, no selection sets the playfield as the surface.
AntiFric – determines the friction between the spinner and its’ supports. Value
setting between 0 & 1. A setting of 0 indicates no friction and the spinner will spin