Pachinko Birds (Nishijin, 197x) VP9

VP9 Flipperless Recreation Pachinko Birds (Nishijin, 197x) VP9 v2011b

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Jun 14, 2003
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I have updated my Pachinko game, it is now more realistic as the balls are faster. When I first made this game, I didn't realise that "table slope" was literally the slope of the playing field, I didn't know that I could set it at "90" which would mean it was at a 90 degree angle.

After changing the table slope, I had to redo the plunger system I was using to allow for shots to all parts of the table. I also increased the number of variables in the Strength O Meter for more randomness. I also adjusted the nails so the game is not as easy, it's still easier than if you were playing at a classic Pachinko parlour, but it plays almost exactly like my real Pachinko game.

Click on the Screenshot below for a larger pic....

You can get it here:


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Thanks for the update Bob. This is one of only a few pachinkos I enjoy playing. I only hope you didn't make it too difficult, I've been using it to lift my spirits when I have a bad day, since I can pretend I'm a really good player instead of a chump.
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