Pirate Radio (Original) VP8

VP8 Flipperless Original Table pirate radio (completed) v1.0 2020-01-28

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Pinball Nudger
Jul 1, 2003
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something for tiltjlp, one of my first originals to be released in a while.

in maybe a long while, other than a few updates.. just sometimes i get tired myself as old age seeps in my old gorilla bones.

it's called pirate radio.. a flipperless , and a rare one...

made in a way, kinda, of what flipperless might had been like, if it only had existed in the 80's with it's dmd and sound effects.

it's the tale of a pirate dj in the city of cajunica, who was a true legend in her time (namely the early 90s until recently .....) ...somehow, when the dark dreary times got to its residents , they could always turn on the station she was a dj at , and hear the right music that brought happiness to thier lives when they were down in the dumps.

a true legend , was the pirate dj, at the station called krzi ... whos motto 'dream come true' was a powerful idea in cajunica for the pirate dj's time at work. noone knows where she is to this day.. but still, you could turn on the radio station krzi.. and still hear music that made you feel better when times were down.

few even asked her real name..never got a real response.. to many who's lives she enriched through her music.. she was just the pirate dj. and that's all most people needed to know.

no flippers.. and for the returning tiltjlp this is dedicated to.. for sometimes, KRZI dreams do come true.

more to come from cajunica in 2005... but for tonight,

pirate radio airs at:

this website, in the downloads, under 'pirate radio'.

new orleans (no) rules.. just right,

Thanks Wrench!

Pirate Radio is pretty cool, and amazingly, I like the music. This is one time, but not the only time, that your table is even better than your release story.

I do wish that the action wasn't quite so fast and furious, there isn't much need to nudge, and as you might know from my tag line, Nudging is my favorite indoor sport.

Nice job, Wrench.

Yeah Wrench, I really do enjoy this one. I play this and Triple Double at least weekly. Glad you stopped by, I thought you had gotten lost.

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