tiltjlp's Bronco Buster (mods)


Pinball Nudger
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
Hi all!

It's a big honour for me to present tiltjlp's Bronco Buster with a new face.
I for one had a big pleasure to play it more than once. :D
A modified flippered version exists as well!.
The table mods are candidates for John's surprise CD.
Neither table will be released untill tiltjlp approves.

starman7007 said:
Hi all!

It's a great honour for me to present tiltjlp's Bronco Buster with a new face.
I for one had a big pleasure to play it more than once. :D
A modified flippered version exists as well!.
The table mods are candidates for John's surprise CD.
Neither table will be released untill tiltjlp approves.


You did a great job Walter! :)
These are both excellent and I can't decide if I like the Flipperless or Flipperred version most..., I'm leaning towards the Flipperless version...those moveable posts as flippers are unique, the graphics and gameplay on both are top notch!

tiltjlp will surely approve!
If I know John, this table mod will bring a tear to his eye.

Super Job!
Bob, it really did. And it made every bone in this old body jealous.

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