Why Flipperless pinballs anyway?


PN co-founder
Jun 9, 2003
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Favorite Pinball Machine
Flying Trapeze 1934
Good story Ken, and good reasons why flipperless rules for a lot of us. One of the main reasons I prefer these to new games is that my hand-eye coordination is lousy, and I've never mastered flippers. I still play flippered tables, because I love all VP pinball . . . well most of it.

But I grew up playing mostly flipperless and bingos, and home sale bagatelle, and to this day that's my preferred kinds of games.

I think it requires more skill to play flipperless than regular pinball, with modern pinball the name of the game is to keep the ball as high up on the playfield as possible. Some people like Ford cars, others Chevys. what can I say? One thing that I have noticed on other sites is that imany times if you mention flipperless, nobody will talk to you. I go to those sites and seek out those people for my group. Besides, I can put 2 or 3 flipperless games in my living room and still have room for me...

I think it requires more skill to play flipperless than regular pinball, with modern pinball the name of the game is to keep the ball as high up on the playfield as possible. One thing that I have noticed on other sites is that imany times if you mention flipperless, nobody will talk to you.


Amazingly, this is not surprising. When VP was just starting, it was quite popular to play flipperless machines. It seems this has gone more to the wayside unfortunately. I'll still make em' though. LOVE EM!

The nice thing about the flipperless games is that you have no choice but to allow the ball to go lower into the playfield. Along the way, rack up as much points as possible and nudge until you can manipulate that ball to your liking.

It takes a lot of skill to play these games and I've never conquered any flipperless machine to date as of yet. :cheers:

aka druadic
Amazingly, this is not surprising. When VP was just starting, it was quite popular to play flipperless machines. It seems this has gone more to the wayside unfortunately. I'll still make em' though. LOVE EM!

The nice thing about the flipperless games is that you have no choice but to allow the ball to go lower into the playfield. Along the way, rack up as much points as possible and nudge until you can manipulate that ball to your liking.

It takes a lot of skill to play these games and I've never conquered any flipperless machine to date as of yet. :cheers:

aka druadic

I think that's why some of us still play, as well as make, flipperless games. The challenge is bigger with flipperless, and not just a matter of racking up points by repeating the same few shots. Flipperless games seldom play the same way twice in a row.
Flipperless games seldom play the same way twice in a row.

I've noticed that. You never know what will happen unless you master the art of "nudging"!

That will never happen with me. I like the surprise of the game itself! ;)

My favorite era of games is probably the early thirties bagatelle games, especially the ones with a bit of electricity thrown in. Unfortunately, I don't own any of this type, but I'm always scouring eBay for a decently priced one. I think once the games started to add bumpers, they became a bit more bland (in my opinion) because they didn't really have unique features.

Here's a Genco Spitfire that I'm obsessed with: 1935 Genco "SpitFire" Pinball Machine - YouTube
That same guy has quite the collection of flipperless games, so I recommend that you look through his other videos.
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