Stretched startup screen in cabinet portrait mode normal?


Pinball Nudger
Mar 25, 2024
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medieval madness
New user here (gulp) and delighted with FP eye-candy and playability. Watched a few YouTubes and never see the load or splash screens on startup with cabinet setups. Mine stretches the graphics and fonts on both the playfield and wide landscape backbox into a blurry, large image. All looks fine when the tables load. Guessing the monitor in portrait with zero rotation stretches the splash image originally created for desktop or 4:3 applications? Is this normal for cabinet start view these days? Spotted setting the scaling to 100% prevents stretch and mine is set to that in Win10. This only stretches on initial start when loading a table.

I have several newer BAM/FizX tables working fine. Others crash after 5-10 minutes of running where the BAM log indicates a 'dllmain.cpp' argument not an 'access violation' security issue. Looks like a stack dump. That one is tricky and only certain tables take a dirt dive. The strangest thing is simply leaving any table idle for over 10 minutes, the app closes and exits to desktop. Never see this reported. The FP editor with a loaded table will stay running. But a running (in game) table will self-exit when left idle. The crash log reports nothing from this event.

All files and settings per Terry Red's most current install documents with no workarounds applied. Love the game just like to get some of the newer tables to run. Junkyard Cats is a crasher always on the second game, 10 minutes runtime or so. Bugs me as the PC is very stable with all other apps.
I recently finished my cabinet build a couple weeks ago and the squished loading screens really bother me. I used the default Baller Installer settings so windows is in landscape mode with the left side of cabinet "down" as far as windows is concerned. In Future pinball my main playfield is full screen and rotated 270 degrees.

When Future pinball is loading, the loading screen is orientated correctly relative to the front of the cabinet, but the loading screen art (designed for landscape) get squished. I think this is normal.

I don't know what everyone else does, but I open the table in the editor and replace the loading screen texture with one that's been designed for portrait viewing. If I can't find one, I just make my own in Photoshop. That's probably not an option for most people, but swapping the texture is pretty straight forward. I can post a quick and dirty tutorial if there is interest.

So what is everyone else doing? Do you just put up with bad looking loading screen? Is there a setting in pinup popper to cover the loading screen? Swap the loading texture like I do?
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It's normal for the FP loading screen to stretch the image if its a 16x9 image and you are playing in portrait. You can't take a 16x9 image and magically make it look normal in 9x16.

Your only option is replacing the Loading screen image in the Table itself.

Popper can't cover the Loading / Progress screen as FP is running in Exclusive Fullscreen. DO NOT try using some hacks or other app to force something on top while it loads. FP is sensitive while loading and having another app do something to it during that time may cause it to lock up.
screen art (designed for landscape) get squished. I think this is normal.

Thanks, kinda bugged me as many have cab setups and would see the start image mess. However, I never see a fix (force to landscape) or even a mention about the stretch. Forgot frontends mask the load screens. Good to know it's normal and not a setting I missed. Thinking we just live with it or swap images.

I can post a quick and dirty tutorial if there is interest.

Seems like a good fix. Replace the image file(s). The backbox has the 'Future Pinball' logo stretched side to side but is readable. Very clear these images are 4:3 where some backbox images/DMD display look fine stretched. A replacement image may help my start screen OCD but knowing it is what it is helps. Still trying to set the backbox (BAM) global width to shrink inward horizontally a tad with two black bars on the sides. Works with some tables but not all. Smooshing 4:3 inward takes the 'fat people' stretch out. Wish I could save custom backbox ratios to independent tables config. Pretty sure we're dealing with 4:3 as the standard backbox ratio where the original artwork and DMD sizing carried over to 16:9 and is stretched to fit. Hoping developers start fitting artwork for wide screen backboxes. Wait, that'll make the 4:3 users nutty with squished images. Never mind. :)
Is there place for posting 'Portrait" loading screens? I have a few to share that I have created.
New user here (gulp) and delighted with FP eye-candy and playability. Watched a few YouTubes and never see the load or splash screens on startup with cabinet setups. Mine stretches the graphics and fonts on both the playfield and wide landscape backbox into a blurry, large image. All looks fine when the tables load. Guessing the monitor in portrait with zero rotation stretches the splash image originally created for desktop or 4:3 applications? Is this normal for cabinet start view these days? Spotted setting the scaling to 100% prevents stretch and mine is set to that in Win10. This only stretches on initial start when loading a table.

I have several newer BAM/FizX tables working fine. Others crash after 5-10 minutes of running where the BAM log indicates a 'dllmain.cpp' argument not an 'access violation' security issue. Looks like a stack dump. That one is tricky and only certain tables take a dirt dive. The strangest thing is simply leaving any table idle for over 10 minutes, the app closes and exits to desktop. Never see this reported. The FP editor with a loaded table will stay running. But a running (in game) table will self-exit when left idle. The crash log reports nothing from this event.

All files and settings per Terry Red's most current install documents with no workarounds applied. Love the game just like to get some of the newer tables to run. Junkyard Cats is a crasher always on the second game, 10 minutes runtime or so. Bugs me as the PC is very stable with all other apps.

Nothing is reported because its not a FP problem. Something on your PC is blocking / restricting FP from working correctly. This could be Windows Defender or another anti-virus, etc. This is common with both FP and VP. Its highly recommended to have Defender either disabled completely for FP and VP, or try to add exceptions to theri folder, etc.
Wish I could save custom backbox ratios to independent tables config.

You can change it to per table settings in BAM menu backbox settings, if you don't use auto-stretch / fit.

Not everyone has the same ratio screen. Not all Backbox / translites are the same. You can't make every backbox ratio work perfect for every monitor setup.

For my Pinevent tables, if using my pup-packs, I include options for most ratio backbox screens.
It's normal for the FP loading screen to stretch the image...

Thanks Mr. Red. I didn't anticipate you would reply to a ninny newbie question! I'm still chasing the crash issue but avoiding posting logs etc. without a better look. Thanks for the backbox ratio answer where you can set it to pull from a user cfg. vs, wide or square. I was dreaming it was custom per table. My Defender is snuffed, FP folder is excluded, and there are no permissions or compatibility things outside your documentation. . Seeing this very duration crash (10-15 minutes) has been reported with the dllmain.ccp leading the dump log. Pretty sure it's a Win10 thing going on.

Been collecting your tables and plunged deep into your published docs and tutorials. One extraordinary amount of work indeed. I wrote technical docs for users and getting the tech vs. comprehension in writing is very difficult. You answer questions before they happen. Not to mention the YouTubes where you talk, and point, and swap screens, all looking seamless. Mine would be a chopped-up edit compilation of the few sections I made it through without gaffing or sounding like Porky Pig babbling. Again, tricky stuff on the fly or... you're a wizard editor.

It's unfortunate I see no monetization for FP designers. There should be a Patreon site setup or a 'donation' tag like other freeware. Kinda feeling guilty this stuff is free where designers have put gazillions of development hours in. Hoping YouTube stuff kicks something back to you.

I've thought of what I'd say to you. That would be - thanks man, killer stuff.

** Like and Subscribe this gentleman!!!
'Portrait" loading screens? I have a few to share that I have created...

I'm thinking of one custom splash screen that could be dumped in all tables. Can you share the size in pixels you're using? I'm thinking not a full screen thing, maybe something logo-ish and colorful but isn't stretched into a mess.
I'm thinking of one custom splash screen that could be dumped in all tables. Can you share the size in pixels you're using? I'm thinking not a full screen thing, maybe something logo-ish and colorful but isn't stretched into a mess.

It is really not that difficult. I just about always add portrait and landscape loading textures on the tables I modify. I just use images I find on the internet. In your case, you just need to find portrait shaped images. In other words, just search for images that are 900x1600 or have the same proportions. Or more simply put, just look for images that are taller than they are wide. I still use some portrait oriented images even though they do not fit the proportions exactly by either cropping the image, creating more background colors or just add black bars.

If you use a landscaped shape image like 1600x900, it will be squeezed together on a cabinet but will look correct on a desktop PC.

If you want to remove the startup splash and watermark on the game screen, click on the link below:

Then search for "There is a method for removing the watermark or splash screens".
^^ GeorgeH

You Too! Never thought I'd see the real-deal, myth and legend authors replying. And a 'Thanks man, killer stuff' to you as well!

Was just reading your 'intermediate' BAM guide and noticed the header bell was red. Wow, I was kinda surprised seeing the avatar and sig. Thanks for the startup page tips. The image size recommended or slightly smaller seems like the ticket. Now fishing for images in portrait is another matter. Maybe a gallery post would be a good idea. First my goal is solving the crash oddities. Will post any fix results as this is indeed a community.

Thanks to all!
^^ GeorgeH

You Too! Never thought I'd see the real-deal, myth and legend authors replying. And a 'Thanks man, killer stuff' to you as well!

Was just reading your 'intermediate' BAM guide and noticed the header bell was red. Wow, I was kinda surprised seeing the avatar and sig. Thanks for the startup page tips. The image size recommended or slightly smaller seems like the ticket. Now fishing for images in portrait is another matter. Maybe a gallery post would be a good idea. First my goal is solving the crash oddities. Will post any fix results as this is indeed a community.

Thanks to all!

I don't have a gallery that I use myself so I can't share it. I just search for images that match the theme of the table on which I am working. The 900x1600 size is probably the minimum resolution. If you use much smaller than that, you will see graininess.
Here is a template with the safe zones marked out. If you just throw any old image in the loading screen text can cover up parts of the image. Try to avoid putting important parts of the image in the safe zones.

here is an example loading screen. I have left the safe zones visible.
Sometimes you have to move elements around to avoid text or peoples faces or logo. Here is the before and after of the Addams Family. I found a separate image of Lurch so I could move him up.

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