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Hang Glider (Bally,1976) Playfield

Hang Glider (Bally,1976) Playfield

Date Of Manufacture: December, 1976
Model Number: 1079
Type: Electro-mechanical (EM)
Production: 2,325 units (confirmed)
Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), Mini-rollover buttons (10), Standup targets (5), 5-bank drop targets (1), Kick-out hole (1), Spinning target (1). Drop targets reset only when ball lands in kick-out hole. End-of-ball bonus.
Design by: Jim Patla
Art by: Dick White
Notes: Playfield layout is the same as Bally's 1975 'Hi-Deal' except it has five drop targets instead of five standup targets.
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