8 Ball (Williams, 1952)

Williams EM Recreation BAM FizX FP 8 Ball (Williams, 1952) FizX3 V1.01

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8 Ball (Williams, 1952) v1.01
IPDB No. 765
You must have BAM 365 or higher in order to play this table.

You can toggle (by the toggle HUD key) the HUD reel.
You access to the ajustment menu by the Special2Key in order to manage:
- scrolling,
- tilt handling: normal FP's way (8 warning allowed), liberal (16 warnings allowed), and not tilt,
- reset high score entries,
- automatic ball lift.
- use arrows for plunger
- flippers: original (both flippers are actuated), normal handling
Making lighted 1 to 14 balls sets up 8 ball for skill shot
Making 1-2-3 and all the right or left balls lights the right or left roll over for replay
Making all the right or left balls lights kickout holes for 500,000 and increase bottom bumpers to 100,000
Making all the balls lights all bottom roll over for replay and light roll ovr button for replay
Date Of Manufacture:February, 1952
Notable Features:
Reversed flippers (2), Pop bumpers (2), Passive bumpers (4), Kick-out holes (2). Tilt penalty is ball in play, tilt is reset by ball passing through rollunder wire at bottom of playfield below flippers.
Design by:Harry Williams
Art by:George Molentin

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