Based on the M R Mortimer Novel - Why not buy it and have a read? it is available in paperback and through Kindle and Kobo.
light FIU for INVESTIGATION mode. shoot all three kickers in the time limit to complete the mode.
light YIRST for bumper times 3 for 30 seconds.
light AD for Launch STARLIGHT mode - light all rollovers in the top lanes and the in/out lanes to complete
Drop both 6 BS 7 target banks to light HRMSDECEPTION (4 ball multi) and to locate the derilict.
complete the above modes in sequence (FIU, YIRST, AD, and HRMSDECEPTION - in this order to catch the disciple. Complete for table multiplier - up to 7x.
in/out lanes light ball saver for 30 seconds
top lanes incriment bonus multiplier.
light FIU for INVESTIGATION mode. shoot all three kickers in the time limit to complete the mode.
light YIRST for bumper times 3 for 30 seconds.
light AD for Launch STARLIGHT mode - light all rollovers in the top lanes and the in/out lanes to complete
Drop both 6 BS 7 target banks to light HRMSDECEPTION (4 ball multi) and to locate the derilict.
complete the above modes in sequence (FIU, YIRST, AD, and HRMSDECEPTION - in this order to catch the disciple. Complete for table multiplier - up to 7x.
in/out lanes light ball saver for 30 seconds
top lanes incriment bonus multiplier.