Back to the Future (Original) Ultimate Pro (FizX WIP)

SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Back to the Future (Original) Ultimate Pro (FizX WIP) BTTF Ultimate Pro 1.03C

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Solid State Machines
Per OldSchool Req. recenter dmd, fixed some ramp issues again, undelays surfaces and models showing into left ramp, fixed right ramp touching bumpers.
minor FizX Tweaks and Flipper/ Materials Adjustments.

Its about 95%, still havent found the sweat spot.
Updated all fizX model overlays (Per Anontet)
Re-angled Flippers (per everyone)
Widened and increased length on ramps, (aligned with playfield image now)
Fixed a couple missing textures
Fixed missing lights on ramps
Thanks to George and Jlou for a starting point for the Physics.

HINT=>> Left Flipper -- Left Ramp, Right Flipper - Right Ramp

Get the ramps and flipper angles figured out, I know what I need to do, but its ""breaking the rules"" The game may lose some realism and bounce to achieve this, but it will be more enjoyable. Or Ill Tweak the Left flipper Left ramp right flipper right ramp method.

FizX Diverter and ramp update per request
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