Grand Slam (Gottlieb, 1953)

Gottlieb EM Recreation BAM FP Grand Slam (Gottlieb, 1953) v1.3

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Grand Slam /IPD No. 1074 / April, 1953 / 1 Player
Manufacturer:D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977) [Trade Name: Gottlieb]
Date Of Manufacture:April, 1953
Model Number:76
Type:Electro-mechanical (EM)
Production:1,800 units (confirmed)
Serial Number Database:View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database ( (External site)
Theme:sports - Baseball
Notable Features:Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Passive bumpers (5), Slingshots (2), Standup targets (4), Kick-out holes (3). There are five outlanes between the flippers.
Design by:Wayne Neyens
Art by:Roy Parker

This new version replaces the previous one from 2018 in an attempt to eliminate some scoring bugs and improve some of the game's graphics.
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Francisco Pozo Robles
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Francisco Pozo Robles
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