InuYasha SE (Original)

VPX SS Original Table InuYasha SE (Original) v1.0

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InuYasha Special Edition Pinball
A MOD by Anthias with huge thanks to
Masonou for Inuyasha 1 and
JPSalas for Serious Sam 2.

as with my Andromeda mod, this was a personal mod I had sitting imperfect on my cab for my own enjoyment. When I decided to polish it up, I felt it might be worth releasing to the community.
I sent a PM to Masonou about this table, but he has not been on for a while and it has been a crazy time of year, however as he has the table marked as mod without permission I decided to release it for everybody to enjoy. Naturally, as with all my tables, and in keeping with the example of JPSalas and Masonou, both who have their skills in this table, you are free to mod this table without permission required.

Inuyasha Special Edition
By Anthias
- new playfield, altered plastics, and
other art for the table.
Adjusted DMD backgrounds, Adjusted
lighting to suit new playefield art.
A mod of:

Inuyasga 1, by Masonou
A mod of:

Serious Sam Pinball II
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Reactions: Isaac Sauvage
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