by Luigi30 An original bagatelle heavily influenced by Kinsey's Knick Knack. Hosted with Luigi30s kind permission.
Gobble holes in pegs score 25 points each.
Gobble holes in lower playfield score 100 points each.
Bumpers no score.
Row 1 of triggers are double playfield scoring.
Row 2 of triggers are 75 points.
Row 3 swaps gobble hole and lower gobble score.
Row 4 adds 100 points.
Row 5 doubles playfield, or triples if already doubled.
Row 7 adds 250 points.
Row 8 adds 125 points.
Row 9 adds the current lower gobble score.
Gobble holes in pegs score 25 points each.
Gobble holes in lower playfield score 100 points each.
Bumpers no score.
Row 1 of triggers are double playfield scoring.
Row 2 of triggers are 75 points.
Row 3 swaps gobble hole and lower gobble score.
Row 4 adds 100 points.
Row 5 doubles playfield, or triples if already doubled.
Row 7 adds 250 points.
Row 8 adds 125 points.
Row 9 adds the current lower gobble score.