by Luigi30
at 2005-11-01
Type Original
FP Physics 1.0
Now that's a LOT of pegs!
Gobble holes in pegs score 25 points each.
Gobble holes in lower playfield score 100 points each.
Bumpers no score.
Row 1 of triggers are double playfield scoring.
Row 2 of triggers are 75 points.
Row 3 swaps gobble hole and lower gobble score.
Row 4 adds 100 points.
Row 5 doubles playfield, or triples if already doubled.
Row 7 adds 250 points.
Row 8 adds 125 points.
Row 9 adds the current lower gobble score.
at 2005-11-01
Type Original
FP Physics 1.0
Now that's a LOT of pegs!
Gobble holes in pegs score 25 points each.
Gobble holes in lower playfield score 100 points each.
Bumpers no score.
Row 1 of triggers are double playfield scoring.
Row 2 of triggers are 75 points.
Row 3 swaps gobble hole and lower gobble score.
Row 4 adds 100 points.
Row 5 doubles playfield, or triples if already doubled.
Row 7 adds 250 points.
Row 8 adds 125 points.
Row 9 adds the current lower gobble score.