by ghostmachine
at 2015-05-11
Type Model
Subtype RampModel
This is a very useful model. When you are making a plastic ramp, and want a pro looking endcap, just use this. Free to use.
No credits need to be given i made this because i made one before for the BATMAN table, but this one is perfected.
Import model and look under Ramp Models it is named 1RampyPro.
at 2015-05-11
Type Model
Subtype RampModel
This is a very useful model. When you are making a plastic ramp, and want a pro looking endcap, just use this. Free to use.
No credits need to be given i made this because i made one before for the BATMAN table, but this one is perfected.
Import model and look under Ramp Models it is named 1RampyPro.