Rom's - 5Th Element - (fizxv3.3)_multiplayer_mod version 0.1 - by RLR

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Solid State Machines
'updated by RLR 10/03/2025 - mod version 0.1
'this is my test table, learning to code, tank you guys for all the information you have avalebel and thank you for creating such a tool that ables us to recreate these wonderful games

'-DMD with a lot of flaws, don't completely understand it for now
'-Ouverlay, alot to be optimised as well, reduce imagens/frames and better control is needed - overlays desynchronised in the translit in relation to the playfield/table - no idea who to solve this
'-scoring and bonus needs to be addressed, @@ still learning
'-Code working, very basic for now, form the tests that i have done and for my amazement (i started a few months ago (winter time)) i have completed this, my first mod!
'-leftlane and rightlane ballsavers added
'-multiplayer added 4 player, working good but needs to be tested, @@ still learning
'-for the visuals i just did some tests mainly to understand how it works, it needs a lot of work too but my focus for now it is to learn

'1) spell STONE (left 5 targets) to activate the stonelock.
'2) activate the stone in the kicker (kicker near the bumpers with the stone on top)
'3) repeat step 2 four times to get the multiballstart lit. But as soon as this trigger is lit the mangalores will block your way through. You will have to negociate with them first before you can reach the multiballtrigger.

'JACKPOTS: during multiball
'-3 jackpots are lit, if you it them all you will get stonelockblink lit for super jackpot.
'1) the extraball will be lit after shooting 12 times through the ZORK ORBIT (the outer orbit) and LEELOO 5 times (the inner orbit), the stonelockblink will be lit for doubleball multiball
'3) 3 jackpots are lit, if you it them all you will get stonelockblink lit for super jackpot.
'2) The way to the extraballtrigger will be blocked again by the mangalores. Well, you know what to do...
'no multipliers for now @@ still learning
'1) In order to destroy the police car on the right ramp, shoot one of the ramps to activate taxi light.
'2) If the taxi ramp is lit, you can shoot it to activate police ramp, the police ramp will be active and you can shoot the police car.
'The police car score will increase with every destroyed car.
'In order tho destroy the next police car, you have to shoot the taxi ramp again first.
'So it is a left ramp - right ramp - left ramp - right ramp.....thing.

'(This table is a fan reconstruction, published under the fair use and parody act, and is ditributed for free testing and educational purpose)
'Thank you Mr. rom
'if you see this i hope you like it as much as i do

'best regards
  • Rom's - 5Th Element - (fizxv3.3)_multiplayer_mod version 0.1 - by RLR.png
    Rom's - 5Th Element - (fizxv3.3)_multiplayer_mod version 0.1 - by RLR.png
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