Snorks, An original future pinball table, based on Hanna Barbera's
televison series "The Snorks".
Table rules light "SNORKS" for special at the top kicker,
( by hitting targets in the roto spinner, special lasts for 90 seconds).
Hitting all star targets( under the light green star holograms)
lights a chance for 10,000 point Bonus,
at the mid right kicker (under green star hologram).
lighting "ALLSTAR",(by hitting star triggers under the blue allstar bubble holograms),
lights a 60 second chance at Bonus multiplier increase,
and bonus, at the kicker behind the center drop targets..
Updated version (2.0) has some improvements and new holograms
Replay scores on table card.
( Some very well made Midi renditions of Rock and Pop music were used for background music.)