Sonic Pinball Mania (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3) (Original, 2022)

SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Sonic Pinball Mania (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3) (Original, 2022) 2.0

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Solid State Machines
- updated FizX physics code (includes some fixes) and physics xml settings
- removed flipper nudge commands that are no longer needed
- updated table to reflect changes in new physics code and settings

- updated table for FizX physics v3.3 (much more efficient with CPU usage)
- new Debug options that can be enabled / disabled
- new Toggle_Static_Camera option (disables toggling the static view during attract mode with plunger button)
- use_RayCast_Shadows can now completely disable ray cast shadows (no need to disable in the BAM menu after)
- updated wire ramps
- changed Gun Beetle Bots so they don't impede ball movement on ramps (trigger instead of walls)
- added new animations for items in Ring Hunt, Tails is Trippin', Bot Bashing (bounce in, float away, etc)

Note: this table update requires the new BAM 1.5-373 update (included with my newest FP an BAM Essentials AIO)
- table completely updated for FizX v3.2 physics
- MANY fixes for the pupdmd text not showing correctly
- updated pup-pack and added new 1 Screen - Windowed option
- new rubber between top left bumper and top left rollover lane (ball now falls into bumpers)
- new rules changes! when any mode is completed, it can't be played again until Super Sonic is completed
- when modes are completed, inserts stay lit until until Super Sonic is completed
- drop targets are now dropped during any mode, and restored to their previous state after the mode is done
- when all drop targets are hit, they stay down until multiball is over (if MB is completed they stay down)
- new Lighting settings in TABLE OPTIONS in the table script

Note: if using any PUP features, then you must use the new updated PuP-Pack with this new table update! (it won't load any other version)

Remove the old pup-pack and replace it with the new version, then run the OPTION BAT file in the PuP-Pack folder that matches your setup.
- small fix for spinner toy positioned too high and showing through the bracket
- updated table for FizX v3.0 physics
- replaced spinner with a toy spinner and Wecoc's code (wont get stuck anymore, or stop balls)
- new integrated Static Desktop Camera Views (press plunger during attract mode to toggle)
- during attract, right flipper now toggles sonic / chrome ball
- small fixes
- Tail's plane now flies higher (and not partially through the cabinet side walls)
- new install instructions
- ball rolling sounds changed in table and in pup-pack
- updated FizX physics code to change how ball ID's are handled to prevent conflicts
- updated FizX physics code for more efficient Rubber bounce handling
- updated Ball Rolling Sound code to change how ball ID's are tracked to prevent conflicts
- removed old PUPRollingUpdateTimer commands that are no longer used (would give an error if PinEvent Settings were forced to be disabled)
1.5 - New Sonic Spin Dash and Magna-Spinner, FizX v2.0, Big update!

- NEW Magna-Spinner feature! Activate Magna-Spinner with checkpoint. Use Plunger/Special to hold ball (for a limited time) and then release to shoot ball in direction of the animated light
- NEW Sonic Spin DASH feature! You get Sonic Spin Dash lit up at start of each ball, or by hitting the Checkpoint
- to use Sonic Spin Dash, hold down plunger/special (for a limited time) and then release to DASH in direction of animated pointer
- new apron lights and art for Sonic Dash and Magna-Spinner
- new Camera Control option for multiball and Magna Spinner views
- added shadowmaps to flashers and combined additional shadowmaps and decals to one layer
- added shadows to sidewall and backwall art
- updated table layout and geometry for better ball flow (single DT area and R target), and updated playfield and plastics art
- new proper BALL SAVE functions (no more double dipping the Launch Bonus)
- when MB is completed (after you get green chaos emerald), you can't lock balls or play MB again until after Super Sonic is cleared, or you start a new game
- Ring Hunt, Tails is Tripping, and Bot Bash now start with the ball in the plungerlane (you now have to Bash all 6 bots and collect all Rings yourself)
- various other fixes
- updated table and physics to FizX v2.0
- updated PinEvent V2 Ball Rolling functions: new singular code for both FP and PUP SSF
- updated PinEvent V2 PinMechSound code to support new FizX auto ball hit events based on PF materials
- removed all triggers and sounds used for ball hit sounds (no longer needed with FizX v2.0)
- added more FLEEP mechanical sounds to support new FizX dynamic ball hit events
- this allows for amazing new dynamic mechanical and SSF sounds for the entire table!
- new FizX code no longer requires flipper Swing Angle to be specified in the FizX Flipper settings!
- FizX slingshots, drop targets, rubbers are now set in the FizX General Settings section (not in a FizX Profile)
- FizX XML_FPS is now set in its own section
- updated FizX Profiles to only change FizX Flipper settings
- there are no longer FizX Profiles used for different physics xml settings
- any settings needed for a different PHYSICS XML FPS is now set in the FizX FPS settings section
Changelog (v1.4)

- updated entire table for FizX physics
- added plastics reflective layer
- added new GI shadows layer
- added second stage flippers option
- added speed booster to right wireramp to ensure ball completes loop if hitting bots
- fixed Ball Saver not activating when launching a new ball (you can now adjust the time in TABLE OPTIONS)
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1.3 update

- added option to disable the Shield's SlowMotion (the slow motion made the game unplayable for some users - 5 fps, etc)
- updated Install Instructions
- added new info relevant to the new version of Baller Installer
Changelog (v1.2)

- added PinEvent V2 support for PUPDMD, PUPStream, and a new pup-pack with videos / text / overlays / backglass
- added lots of new music - new songs played with each new ball, and after each mode is completed
- small changes to playfield art
- various fixes and tweaks, relocated top most kicker to make the shot a bit easier
- fixed Mania Mode blinking (no longer blinks when lock is lit, etc)

EVERYONE using PinEvent V2 features (DOF, PUP SSF, PUP DMD) MUST read the new install instructions included in the table's zip file!
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