druadic submitted a new resource:
Horseshoe (Mini), 1932 by A.B.T. - Created to fit a Dutch Pool case with a new table!
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Horseshoe (Mini) (A.B.T. Manufacturing Company, 1931) VPX v1.1a
IPD No. 3158
Uploaded with permission of another website not wanting to be known, table made for them.
Original release was 02/20/20 and is now updated and now has permission to be uploaded here.
Dutch Pool (A.B.T. Manufacturing Company, 1931) VPX v1.1a
IPD No. 747
Uploaded with permission of another website not wanting to be known, table made for them.
Original release was 02/02/20 and is now updated and now has permission to be uploaded here.
Rol-Let (A.B.T. Manufacturing Co. 1933) VP8
Recreation of Bagatelle "Rol-Let" made by "A.B.T. Manufacturing Co." in 1933.
Permission to mod: YES
IPD No. 3468
IPD No. 114
This game has a score printer used by operators to verify collections and awards. The coin mechanism features a small window that displays the last coin played so, before awarding a prize, the operator can verify that a slug was not used. It originally sold for...
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