
  1. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Billiard Queen (Original) v1.0

    Billiard Queen was a comic I started drawing about 25 years ago. When FP launched, it was among the first tables themes I considered for the platform. A promo poster was in the game room on the the first version of Flame Reaper. Sadly the initial concept layout in FP as well as pretty much all...
  2. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP The Good Bois (Original) v1

    It's a frontier town, in the wild west. These dogs are determined to clean the place up, and will not rest until they have fetched every outlaw. The Good Bois have rolled into town, if you have any shady dealings, best you skeedaddle right fast, or they'll be barking up your tree in no time!
  3. Anthias

    VPX SS Original Table Test Pilots (Original) v1.0

    Anthias original theme mod of Playboy 35th anniversary by JPSalas , Based on the table by Data East from 1989 TEST PILOTS uses original artwork, music and sounds. It is not a licenced theme or existing IP, any similarity to exisiting IP is coincidental. This is not a recreation.. The layout has...
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