
  1. Xenon (Bally,1980) Playfield

    Xenon (Bally,1980) Playfield

    Date Of Manufacture: November, 1980 Model Number: 1196 MPU: Bally MPU AS-2518-35 Type: Solid State Electronic (SS) Production: 11,000 units (confirmed) Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (4), Slingshots (2), Kick-out holes (2), 4-bank drop targets (1), Mini-rollover buttons (4)...
  2. Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom (Bally,1979) Playfield

    Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom (Bally,1979) Playfield

    Date Of Manufacture: February, 1979 Model Number: 1147-E MPU: Bally MPU AS-2518-35 Type: Solid State Electronic (SS) Production: 365 units (confirmed) Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), Standup targets (5), Spinning targets (2), Star rollover (1). Design by...
  3. Star Trek (Bally,1979)(Large) Playfield

    Star Trek (Bally,1979)(Large) Playfield

    Date Of Manufacture: April, 1979 Model Number: 1148-E MPU: Bally MPU AS-2518-35 Type: Solid State Electronic (SS) [?] Production: 16,842 units (confirmed) Serial Number Database: View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database ( (External site) Theme: Licensed Theme - Outer...
  4. Kings Of Steel (Bally,1984) Playfield

    Kings Of Steel (Bally,1984) Playfield

    Date Of Manufacture: March, 1984 Model Number: 1390 MPU: Bally MPU AS-2518-35 Type: Solid State Electronic (SS) Production: 2,900 units (confirmed) Notable Features: Flippers (3), Pop bumpers (3) Slingshot (1), Standup targets (10), Mini-rollover buttons (4), 6-bank drop targets (1), Kick-out...
  5. Centaur (Bally,1981) Playfield

    Centaur (Bally,1981) Playfield

    Date Of Manufacture: October, 1981 Model Number: 1239 MPU: Bally MPU AS-2518-35 Type: Solid State Electronic (SS) Production: 3,700 units (confirmed) Serial Number Database: View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database ( (External site) Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop...
  6. Supersonic (Bally,1979) Playfield

    Supersonic (Bally,1979) Playfield

    Date Of Manufacture: March, 1979 Model Number: 1106-E Common Abbreviations: SS MPU: Bally MPU AS-2518-35 Type: Solid State Electronic (SS) Production: 10,340 units (confirmed) Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), 5-bank drop targets (1), Standup targets (4)...
  7. Lost World (Bally,1978) Playfield

    Lost World (Bally,1978) Playfield

    Date Of Manufacture: August, 1978 Model Number: 1119-E MPU: Bally MPU AS-2518-35 Type: Solid State Electronic (SS) Production: 10,330 units (confirmed) Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Kick-out holes (2), Rollunder spinner (1), Messenger ball (1). First machine to use the...
  8. Future Spa ( Bally, 1979) Playfield

    Future Spa ( Bally, 1979) Playfield

    Date Of Manufacture: December, 1979 Model Number: 1173-E MPU: Bally MPU AS-2518-35 Type: Solid State Electronic (SS) Production: 6,400 units (confirmed) Specialty: Widebody Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (5), Slingshot (1), Spinning targets (2), Kick-out hole (1), Star rollover...
  9. Frontier ( Bally, 1980) Playfield

    Frontier ( Bally, 1980) Playfield

    Date Of Manufacture: November, 1980 Model Number: 1217 MPU: Bally MPU AS-2518-35 Type: Solid State Electronic (SS) Production: 1,850 units (confirmed) Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), Standup targets (4), 3-bank drop targets (1), Spinning target (1), Kick-out...
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